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  美国共和党总统候选人罗姆尼10日在俄亥俄州接受现场民众关于中国议题的提问时直言,他上任第一天将不只是要把中国列为货币操纵国,更会对中国货课以重税,因为中国已成全球最大制造业国家,并准备超越美国成为最大经济体,但中国却持续使美国无法与其 公平竞争。看来,罗姆尼是想靠挥舞对华贸易保护主义的大棒来赢得选票。

Republican presidential candidate mitt romney 10 in Ohio accepted at about Chinese issues people question the truth,The first day he took office will not just be to brand China a currency manipulator,More will be imposed a heavy tax on Chinese goods,Because China has become the world's largest manufacturing country,And ready to surpass the U.S. as the largest economy,But China is continuous make America cannot and Fair competition.It seems,Mr Romney is to rely on China trade protectionism waving the stick to win votes.


In fact,Beauty push China trade protectionism is far from stay in campaign speech.For many years,Every election,Beautiful China trade protectionism wave always waves of a.This trend this year more fierce,January,The us Commerce Department announced on imports from China application level wind tower launch"Double reverse"survey,Climaxing in China this year"Double reverse"survey"The first gun".March 13, to 20 days,Only a week,The United States against Chinese export products trade relief action is as many as 6 major.In addition to implementation of the foreign trade relief action,The United States also from the inside to take administrative and legislative measures,Including the establishment of inter-departmental trade law enforcement center/Fast on[1930 the end of the year tax law]amendment/Frequently use concealment stronger"337 survey"means,In order to protect patent as suppressing Chinese products.On May 30th,China issued two trade award,The ministry of commerce has announced that the United States of America that imports from China application level wind power tower to get the Chinese government subsidies,Plan to China to the United States export products involved in the related enterprise collection ranging from 13.74% to 26% of the countervailing duty;United States international trade commission determined,Imported from China used to transport and storage compression or liquefied gas high pressure cylinder to American relevant industry cause substantial damage,Allow the us department of commerce for this type of product collecting countervailing and anti-dumping duties.


the,With the presidential campaign into white-hot,"Chinese topic"In a certain sense has already become to two parties"intensive"tool,And the recent two important China trade protection case also in some degree of election graces many.One is October 8, the U.S. house of representatives intelligence committee announced a so-called investigation report,Charged with China telecom equipment maker huawei and zte pose a security risk to the United States.Another is October 11, the us department of commerce announced on China pv cell and components"Double reverse"Final results,Anti-dumping tax rate is 18.32% to 249.96%,Countervailing rate is 14.78% to 15.97%,And deduct 10.54% of export subsidies,The calculation,Industry tariff range 23.75% to 254.66%,Far above China pv industry can withstand the range.


be,The United States manufacturing since this year no matter in the policy support or momentum of development is rapid,The United States government does not need to use trade protection relief means.Obama in this year"State of the union"In that further,The United States economy development and the employment growth is the key to manufacturing.Obama stressed,Americans have a strong creativity,But need to strengthen the coordination between the combination of cooperation.The government will take tax system reform measures such as,Encourage manufacturing jobs"reflux",To boost the U.S. economy.On March 9,,Obama in a speech in Virginia when proposed $1 billion the United States set up manufacturing innovation network,Strengthen higher engineering colleges and manufacturing enterprise of the organic combination between combination.On August 16,,The U.S. government announced,Will build a in Ohio by the government and the private sector collective and contributive manufacturing innovation research institute,To support the United States manufacturing and encourage enterprises in the local investment.The above policy,It may be said in the United States to support the development of manufacturing a series of big.


Along with the overseas labor costs,And long supply chain and so on the many kinds of factors challenge,More and more American companies are considering or has the original is located in the overseas production base moved back to the United States,More and more manufacturing products are shaking body into"Made in USA".Can say,This kind of manufacturing backflow more help to promote the economic recovery and employment of ascension.Boston consulting company is forecast,Manufacturing return will bring in the United States from 2 million to 3 million jobs.


but,Intensifying the organic combination and manufacturing reflux,In the short term and not change China manufacturing superpower.The same,The big push China trade protectionism,Also can't change the Chinese manufacturing industry superpower.The United States manufacturing industry to develop,Nature is a industrial upgrading,High-end manufacturing is its strategy core.And to improve the future American manufacturing innovation research development in the future,The United States needs to have more r&d investment and innovation.therefore,Increasing spending on research,Promote knowledge production,Ensure that knowledge to manufacturing transfer,Is the United States manufacturing the next step must face the most important problems.


Compared with,The Chinese manufacturing industry present situation is big but not strong,At present or in the production of raw materials processing and labor-intensive low-end product mainly,In the global industrial chain ZhongDiDuan.Thus it can be seen,China and the United States manufacturing competition,Just dislocation competition,And the manufacturing cooperation between the broader space actually.so,If the two parties can from the overall situation with,Really take on the world's largest developed country's due responsibility,Will do more to help expand the manufacturing cooperation and economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States of matter,For the United States, for the overall economic recovery,To maintain a low inflation,Improve the living standard of the middle class,GongMoDaYan.If you continue to brandish trade protectionism stick,Will only in which both sides had a.


By hard push protectionism,Is can't save the United States manufacturing.Really want to turn the sino-us trade imbalance situation,For the manufacturing trade unceasing prosperity to create conditions,The United States government should seriously consider to relax the restrictions lose China high-tech products,For Chinese enterprises to continue to create a fair investment/Convenient environment,To avoid political interference economic cooperation,Thus strengthening Chinese enterprise to the trade and investment confidence,And the final benefit is the United States manufacturing and the American economy.


(The author is the people's bank of China zhengzhou training college professor)
