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  今年前三季度,中国出口产品遭遇国外贸易救济调查55 起,增长38%,涉案金额243 亿美元,增长近8 倍! 商务部发布的这组最新数据,引起了各方高度关注。羊城晚报记者梳理发现,今年以来“中国制造”频频遭遇外国贸易摩擦,且领域逐步从传统产业向新兴产业扩展。

The first three quarters of this year,China's export products encounter foreign trade remedy investigation 55 up,Growth of 38%,Involving a value of 243 $,Growth nearly 8 times! The ministry of commerce released the latest data of this group,The parties caused high attention.The yangcheng evening news reporter carding found,Since this year"Made in China"Frequently encountering foreign trade friction,And field gradually from traditional industry to expand in emerging industries.


Traditional product PinZao flank

  “市场需求不旺以及遭遇欧盟反倾销,去年下半年到今年上半年是陶瓷行业的寒冬期,对今年的订单心中无底。”正在广州举行的第112 届广交会上, 佛山一家陶瓷企业负责人这样对羊城晚报记者表示。

"The market demand and the eu anti-dumping encounter,The second half of last year to the first half of this year is ceramic industry winter period,For this year's orders without heart bottom."Held in guangzhou is the 112th Session of the China export commodities fair in, Foshan a ceramic enterprises in this to the yangcheng evening news reporters.

  陶瓷业频遭反倾销,正是“中国制造”面临贸易摩擦的一个缩影。去年9 月,欧盟对华陶瓷反倾销案终裁,我国大部分相关企业被征收69.7%的惩罚性关税,今年以来这种情况有不断增加之势。今年年初,印尼披露拟对中国陶瓷餐具产品征收的反倾销税;8 月28 日, 阿根廷通告决定对中国瓷砖征收临时反倾销税……事实上,由于国际金融危机影响继续显现,国际市场需求下滑,今年以来“中国制造”频遭贸易摩擦。据商务部资料,仅今年,美国就对硬木和装饰胶合板、不锈钢拉制水槽等,欧盟对有机涂层板、铝箔卷等“中国制造”发起或作出贸易救济措施。

Ceramics witnessed frequent antidumping,It is"Made in China"Faced with a miniature of the trade friction.September last year month,Eu's ceramic anti-dumping case final,Most of our relevant enterprises taxed 69.7% of punitive tariffs,Since this year the situation had an increasing trend.Earlier this year,Indonesia disclosure quasi of China ceramics tableware products to the collection of anti-dumping duties;8 On 28 day, Argentina notice decided to Chinese ceramic tile imposing provisional anti-dumping tax...In fact,Due to the international financial crisis continue to appear,Decline in demand in the international market,Since this year"Made in China"PinZao trade friction.According to the ministry of commerce material,Only this year,The United States for hardwood and fancy plywood/Stainless steel drawing water tank, etc,The European Union to organic coating plate/Aluminum foil coil, etc"Made in China"Initiate or make trade relief measures.

  很多新兴市场国家也加大对中国产品的反倾销调查力度。如巴西对进口自中国的自行车轮胎启动反倾销调查,阿根廷对中国眼镜采取反倾销措施……在广交会机电馆,一位出口商感叹:“欧美市场不好做,本来想多向新兴市场拓展,想不到又遇到越来越多的反倾销! ”

Many emerging market countries also increase of Chinese products anti-dumping investigation dynamics.Such as Brazil of food imports from China's bicycle tire start anti-dumping investigation,Argentina on China's glasses anti-dumping measures taken...In the China export commodities fair mechanical and electrical building,A exporters exclamation:"The European and American market not do,Wanted to change the emerging market development,Not again meet more and more anti-dumping! "


Emerging industry into a new area


China's recent solar pv/Wind power and other new energy products,Become a global trade protection new victims,It reflects with"Made in China"Transformation and upgrading of the,The future many emerging industry is likely to become the new hot spot trade friction.

  今年10 月初, 美国就中国出口美国的光伏产品作出终裁, 反倾销税率从18.32%到249.96%不等, 反补贴税率从14.78%到15.97%不等。而9 月初,欧盟执意发起对中国光伏产品的反倾销调查。这一争端年涉案金额超200 亿美元,成为中国历年来遭遇最大规模的一宗贸易争端。

10 this year early, The United States is China's exports to the United States photovoltaic products to make the final, Anti-dumping tax rate range from 18.32% to 249.96%, Countervailing rate range from 14.78% to 15.97%.And nine early,The European Union on China pv products to launch anti-dumping investigation.This dispute years involving a value of over 200 $,Become China's largest over encounter a Pope trade disputes.

  欧美的上述作法, 还引来一些国家“跟风”。如印度反倾销局也收到印度业界申请,要求对原产于中国等地太阳能电池组件或部分组件进行反倾销调查。虽然目前印度市场占中国光伏出口比例很低,却有可能在新兴市场国家中引发“多米诺骨牌”效应,引发业界忧虑。

The practice in Europe and America, Also draw some countries"Follow suit".Such as Indian anti-dumping board also received India industry application,Required to originating in China solar energy battery components or parts for anti-dumping investigation.Although at present the India market of China's pv export ratio is very low,But may be emerging market countries cause"domino"effect,Anxiety caused by the industry.


Experts point:It is too early to say for a trade war

  但一定要据理力争、冷静应对如何看近期“中国制造”遭遇越来越多的贸易争端? 知名专家、暨南大学教授郑英隆昨日对羊城晚报记者分析,这一方面是因为全球经济复苏缓慢, 需求不振,使全球贸易争端增加,另一方面则是“中国制造”仍具有较强竞争力,一些新兴产业发展也较快,从而更容易成为贸易保护的受害者。

But must fight it out/To respond calmly how to watch recently"Made in China"Encounter more and more trade disputes? Famous experts/Jinan university professor ZhengYingLong yesterday to the yangcheng evening news reporter analysis,On the one hand because of the global economic recovery is slow, Demand of,Global trade disputes increase,On the other hand is"Made in China"Still has strong competitiveness,Some emerging industry development also faster,Thus more likely to become the victims of trade protection.

  “不过,大的贸易战言之尚早。”郑英隆分析, 相对于全球庞大的贸易量而言,毕竟所占比例不算太高。据世贸组织调查, 去年10 月至今年5 月,WTO 各成员共采取182 项新贸易限制措施, 影响全球进口额的0.9%。

"but,Big trade war of words is still early."ZhengYingLong analysis, The volume of trade in global huge,After all, the proportion is not too high.According to the world trade organization (wto) investigation, Last year, 10 Month this year to five month,WTO A total of 182 members to take New trade restrictions, Influence of global imports 0.9%.

  郑英隆同时表示,虽然大的贸易战暂时难以打起来, 但对于具体行业而言,确实影响很大,比如目前欧美对中国光伏的相关措施,就可能影响国内近40 万人的就业。

ZhengYingLong also said,Although big trade war temporarily difficult to play up, But for specific businesses,Really affected,For example at present Europe and America to China pv related measures,May affect the domestic nearly 40 The employment of ten thousand people.

  郑 英隆认为, 应对当前贸易摩擦,一定要据理力争、冷静应对。一方面一定要积极利用WTO 规则保护企业的合法利益。另一方面,从长远看,“中国制造”最根本的还是要加快转型升级。

zheng British lung think, To deal with the current trade friction,Must fight it out/To respond calmly.On the one hand must actively use of WTO Rules to protect the legitimate interests of the enterprise.On the other hand,In the long run,"Made in China"The most fundamental or to speed up the transformation and upgrade.


