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The third quarter cumulative 2012 years ago,The only exports year-on-year increase of 7.4%,Growth than the same period last year dropped by 15.3%,More than 2010 growth sharp atrophy,Fell by 24%.Foreign trade export encounter"Quick frozen",Direct to drag down the industrial production,And become whole economic growth decline than expected the important factors.


Due to the influence of various factors,Is expected in 2013 China overseas market demand environment is still severe,Foreign trade export growth difficult have increase.In particular,A new years China external demand environment severe,Mainly from three big risk impact.


First of all,Europe and the United States debt crisis the short term is difficult to solve,And continue to worsen trend,Especially facing the United States"Financial cliff",If cannot be properly solved,Most likely will be the world economy into secondary recession.The international monetary fund(IMF)Therefore warning,The global economic slowdown in further risk"Surprisingly high",Appear two times the risk of recession has significant rise.


secondly,The economic transactions between the two countries.At present, China is Japan's largest/The fastest growing export market,Also, the largest overseas department goods manufacturing base.the,In 2011, Japanese export trade with China,Their export occupies 20% of the total,More than 5% higher than the proportion of exports to the United States.


On the other hand,Japan as China's third largest export market,Is an important part of China's overseas market demand,For global demand has important influence chain,And Japan or China's utilization of foreign capital most populous nation.According to the statistics,In the first half of this year accumulated,Japanese investment in China in the actual amount of $83.97 billion.Japan in China production and trade enterprise,Its economic output and its derived quantity,Is also an important part of China's GDP.


finally,In 2012, Europe and the United States and other developed countries continue to implement extremely loose monetary policy,Even reached the unprecedented level.


Europe and the United States and other developed countries, a large release liquidity,At home and abroad as well as the existence of great interest margin,China asset prices keep falling,Certainly will cause international"Hot money"Large-scale influx again,Be pushing up the important factor of the appreciation of the renminbi.Since a period,The RMB against the us dollar exchange rate continue to rise.In fact,The federal reserve announced before QE3 had foreseen,QE3 will make a lot of money outflow the United States.By the continued renminbi appreciation,Although also can reduce the cost of imports,To control the domestic prices,But will China's trade export obstacle to STH.


Thus it can be seen,In 2013, China external demand environment is not optimistic.Before the end of the Canton fair,Export turnover dropped by 9.3% compared with last,Among of which the European Union/The United States/Japan clinch a deal were down by 10.5%/9.4%/36.6%,This cannot treat STH lightly.


How to deal with serious external demand environment,To realize China's rapid economic growth?The main measures,Or try to expand domestic demand,Especially pay off the enormous scale of: to pay off longstanding arrears in history,A big increase in environmental protection construction investment/Urban and rural infrastructure investment/Medical education endowment the people's livelihood investment(000416), etc.The above aspects hundreds of thousands of continuous construction investment,Not only can directly pull metal/cement/Machinery and other investment demand,Also will produce more large-scale multiplier effect,Drive the industrial production and logistics,Make whole national economy alive.The results,Not only can digest the current excess capacity,At the same time can make up for"Economic short plate",For the future economy coordinated development of health to provide better conditions.


In order to enhance the effect of expanding domestic demand,Need to implement some supporting measures to support.One important aspect is to rationally adjust the direction of use of public funds,Can't easily expand foreign trade export tax rebate,Couldn't be more on domestic excess industry support implementation of tax cuts.Relief excess industry tax,Certainly will weaken the domestic excess annexation and reorganization of industry market pressure,Impact structure adjustment.and"Money don't fell good",As such money will be lumped together,Subsidies to domestic consumers.Such as the domestic household appliances/School bus/Farm subsidies to buy commodities such as increasing strength, etc,So stimulate demand effect is much better.

  【作者: 陈克新】

[The author: ChenKeXin]
