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贸易摩擦日趋复杂化 中国制造亟待转型升级--亲稳网络舆情监控室


[China's foreign trade situation report(In the fall of 2012)]display,China is the biggest victims trade protectionism,The first three quarters of this year,China's export products encounter foreign trade remedy investigation of 55 up,Most companies involved suffered a serious blow,Together with the financial crisis to overseas market demand remains weak,Many of China's export enterprise profit decline significantly,And part of the enterprise will also lose the overseas market.  


Trade protectionism is getting more and more complicated  


recently,Issued by the ministry of commerce[China's foreign trade situation report(In the fall of 2012)],The report shows that,China is the biggest victims trade protectionism,The first three quarters of this year,China's export products encounter foreign trade remedy investigation 55 up,Growth of 38%,Involving a value more substantial growth nearly 8 times.  


And this among them,China's solar energy photovoltaic battery in more than one overseas market encounter trade friction,Export seriously hindered.It is reported,The us department of commerce on October 10, China pv"Double reverse"Case to make the final,That China exports to the us of photovoltaic battery and components exist dumping and subsidies behavior,Decided to impose punitive tariffs on high.  


The year to the third quarter back to Europe/beauty/Print The Three Kingdoms to our country photovoltaic enterprise"Double reverse"Investigation of the outbreak of concentration,At that time let the domestic photovoltaic enterprise hard to parry,"Two head out"Industrial pattern,Also let its suffer from business loss more than other industries.  


but,Photovoltaic products just Chinese enterprise since this year suffer from the American trade protection measures of a miniature.According to[The Beijing news]30 source says,The European commission announced on August this year,Will China export bicycle and bicycle parts to the collection of anti-dumping duties extend to 2016;Since mid-september up,The European Union on imports from China ceramic tile collection five-year punitive tariffs,The highest rate is 69.7%.  


this,China international economic exchange center deputy researcher WangTianLong said,This according to China's trade protection measures and increased global economic growth has a lot to do with fatigue.Major developed economies economic downturn caused by falling domestic demand,Lead to increased unemployment;For the protection of domestic enterprises/Increase employment,Will implement the trade protection,For other countries import products to improve the threshold.  


In addition,The ministry of commerce data display,In the first half of this year our country had a total of 18 countries and regions launched anti-dumping/countervailing/Safeguard investigation, such as a total of 40 up,Growth of 38% year-on-year.And from country put on record to see,Brazil/India and other developing countries to our country put on record the number of 70% of the total cases,Emerging countries, the trade friction against China indicates the surge has become the major feature of this round of trade war.  


According to the ministry of commerce news,After the Europe and the United States,Indian anti-dumping bureau will also on China's export of photovoltaic products anti-dumping investigation,India solar manufacturers calls for collection of anti-dumping duties as high as 200%;On October 15,,Mexico is China's textiles and clothing subsidy policy to the wto dispute settlement mechanism of the request for consultations,Accused of China through the reduction of income tax/Value added tax and local tax means such as textiles and clothing enterprise to the subsidies.  


And with the developed countries is different,Emerging economies China product launch"Double reverse"The purpose of the investigation or more emphasis on developing their own related industry,To reduce external dependence,This also makes the"Double reverse"On a wide range of/Attitude is more firmly.[Southern daily]Previous reports said,The Indian government has been trying to make India hit to cause a solar product manufacturing center,But India solar energy enterprise failed to benefit from the government action.While India domestic solar energy industry is not well developed,The domestic photovoltaic market largely depend on import.  


"Made in China"Restructuring is time  


It is hard to imagine,Had let"Made in China"In overseas markets very exciting and popular"affordable",Now it has become the international trade protectionism boycott"Made in China"were,The numerous domestic export enterprises in"Trade war"Dilemma in,In the short term is difficult to get out.  


Customs data display,1 - September this year,China import and export (GDP) of us $2.84247 trillion,Compared with the same period last year growth of 6.2%;Export growth of 7.4%,Imports rose 4.8%.This early and for 10% of the growth target there is still a certain gap.Although since this year on the introduction of the series"Steady growth"Under the influence of the policy,Month in September foreign trade statistics showing signs of stabilising picks up,But whether the general administration of customs or enterprise,In the future foreign trade situation cautiously.  


This year to,According to Chinese enterprises focus trade war broke out,Especially in Europe and the United States Japan to China of photovoltaic industry"Double reverse"Survey follow,A succession of bad news has made some domestic enterprises be unable to stand.The pv is refers to the jobs,On September 17 evening,Suntech power announced,Based on the global pv industry situation continued to worsen,Special consideration to the United States"Double reverse"And the eu anti-dumping investigation on the influence of made in China,The company decided to suspend in wuxi area part of the battery factory production.  


The personage inside course of study says,At present domestic photovoltaic enterprise are loss shipment,Who is the losses than less,The whole industry will face collapse.And some small and medium-sized enterprise, said,Because of such reasons as to improve trade barriers lead to cost increase,Some foreign orders have to lower the cost of the southeast Asian countries transfer.  


this,The ministry of commerce to remind the domestic foreign trade enterprise,Should be rational to deal with trade friction.On the one hand,Through the transformation of foreign trade development mode,Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of,Improve the core competitiveness of the industry,Improve product price,Jump out of the low price competition circle,change"To price to win"for"Quality win".On the other hand,To regulate internal financial and management process,To deal with trade conflicts training professional talents,To establish and perfect the trade friction early warning mechanism and rapid response mechanism,Avoid once encounter trade friction is unprepared.
