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出口状况好转 或将进入铜补库周期--亲稳舆论引导监测室
It is understood,Since 2012,China's copper has been to inventory.It is estimated,In 2012 China's copper semi-finished products manufacturers to stock up to 650000-700000 tons,Accounted for 10% of China's annual demand.
The whole article copper industry value chain are to inventory.Is located in the air-conditioning manufacturers of copper industry chain,Sales fell 14% in 2012 so far,Reduction of 24%,This means that the corresponding to inventory rate of 10%.Located in the upstream of the air conditioner manufacturers real estate developers,Housing sales decreased by 4% over the same period in 2012,But the new residential construction fell by 13%,Namely to inventory rate of 10%.That is to say,In the whole industry chain in copper and copper products,With 29% to inventory.Is expected to trigger a demand to inventory end of new homes rose 41%.
Needs further the possibility of ascension.Copper and copper products industry chain each link is expected to the ascension of space will be different.Such as,Automobile industry of smaller almost no sharp to signs of inventory.Chinese enterprises have begun to reinvest at the moment,Commodity demand the ascension of space will far outweigh the investors are expected.A preliminary indications,Developers want to boost the number of new start,So the real estate is expected is the main driving force to promote the demand.Because the developers will be profit margins(New purchase land currently about 30%)attract,Buyers also will use the loose lending standards,New construction in 2013 is expected to increase about 10%.
Why do we optimistic.Some investors strongly suspect,QE3 will trigger a capital inflow of emerging markets.Support is the main basis of the judgment,Emerging markets especially China return level and competitiveness of the enterprise has set up a file.Return level of Chinese enterprises over the past decade has actually declined,But is expected to capital flow is the main channel will trade and commodity financing,Both the relationship between cash flow far outweigh the relationship with the enterprise in return.
China is about to fill.The federal reserve to buy mortgage-backed securities,The bank of the United States there are three options:1)Will remain in the fed funds,Enjoy the negative real interest rates(This will reduce the value of the capital);2)Increase in domestic enterprise and consumer loans,But must be relaxed lending standards to stimulate demand;3)With Chinese exporters for trade financing.Among them,A third choice is the most popular,Because spreads have risen recently.
When the capital through the trade financing flow back to China again,China's central bank will be issued by the influx of the RMB to buy dollars,So as to improve the liquidity,Domestic bank deposit of push,And then to bank loan limit exemption,Promote enterprise operation when no longer chasing cash only,And the first"Only needed to buy",And inventory.Is scheduled to begin once for library,The Chinese government's stimulus will begin to play a role,Including easing the first set and two sets of mortgage standards and approved by the highway/Railway and irrigation infrastructure projects of direct investment.With the government officials at all levels in January 2013 complete shift and speed up the infrastructure spending,Policy may also turn again.
Signs of capital inflows.Investors can be looking for signs,Whether enterprise behavior into library.The first signs is the foreign currency positions in China.The second sign is the yuan has risen 2% since September 2012.Enterprise behavior change other macro signal,Including global PMI new orders to reduce inventory number/China's exports and imports and credit growth.
铜价将长期承压。中国为圣诞节出货而补库将带动需求,因此预计2012年平均铜价为3.61美元/磅(当前价格为3.46美元/磅)。但全球市场供应过剩将导致全球铜价从2013年开始承压。供应方面,估计主要产量增长将来自四大矿区:蒙古Oyu Tolgoi(增14万吨)、智利Caserones(增16万吨)、秘鲁Toromocho(增19万吨)和秘鲁Las Bambas(增25万吨)。另一方面,年需求增长将从2009-2011年的8%降至4%。中国目前的铜消费量占全球总量的40%,因此其经济增速放缓将成为未来铜需求下降的主要原因。
Price will be pressure for a long time.China for Christmas delivery and library will spur demand,So are expected to average price is $3.61 / lb in 2012(The current price is $3.46 / lb).But global market oversupply will lead to global copper confined since 2013.supply,Estimate the main production growth will come from four major mining area:Mongolia Oyu Tolgoi(140000 tons of)/Chile Caserones(160000 tons of)/Peru Toromocho(190000 tons of)And Peru Las Bambas(250000 tons of).On the other hand,In demand growth will drop to 4% from 8% in 2009-2011.China's current copper consumption accounted for 40% of the global total,So the economic slowdown in the main reason for decline in demand for copper will become the future.
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