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In the face of the weak external demand market,In 2012 China's foreign trade growth to realize the goal of 10%,Is unlikely.
"Throughout the year roughly 6%.Now for the growth of foreign trade and not written into the report,Because from January 1 to December 15,Import and export growth of 5.7%,But in the dec. 20,Growth of 6.4%."At a national conference on business a few days ago,The ministry of commerce minister Chen deming improvised made the remarks.
More than the ministry of commerce, vice minister/Different provinces departments of commercial administration/Development zone and hundreds of representatives abroad took part in the meeting.Chen deming said at the meeting,In 2012 the ministry of commerce implement all policies and improve the stability of the foreign trade growth,Is expected to total import and export of the year in more than 3.8 trillion dollars,Growth at around 6%,The export share of the global rose to 11%.
Chen deming said,Current consumption of China's economic growth contribution rate from 39.6% in 2007 to 55% in 2012,Annual total retail sales of social consumer goods is expected to reach 21 trillion yuan,Growth of 14%.At the same time,Import and export in 2012 is expected to more than 3.8 trillion dollars,The export share of the global rose to 11%.In addition,For the actual use of foreign capital is expected to total $110 billion,Non-financial sectors for foreign direct investment more than 70 billion dollars.
Chen deming said,In 2013 the ministry of commerce will speed up the structure way,Promote the stable development of foreign trade.
Are still variables external demand market in 2013
No matter from which aspect,The uncertainty of external demand market next year,Will not be smaller than in 2012 for China's enterprises are suffering.
Under the state council development research center of foreign economic research department long lung kingdom strong on[First financial daily]reporters,If the economic bottom confirmed three quarters of the year,So next year the economy will be better than slightly this year.But from the outside to see next year than this year,European debt crisis will continue next year,U.S. fiscal cliff will certainly make a difference,But no matter how,Its strength is not enough to offset the impact of $600 billion.
The former vice minister of ministry of commerce wei jianguo to our reporter said,Next year the foreign trade situation is not optimistic,Mainly has three aspects: the uncertainty:In the first place,China's largest trading partner, the debt crisis of the European Union to solve future uncertainty;The second,U.S. economic data recovery can be sustained unknown;At last,Trade protectionism next year may be more severe than this year.Is not only the United States/The European Union,Trade friction between China and emerging countries will also be increased.
In this case,Next year the foreign trade growth target the problem of how to establish a controversy.Previous related person in charge of our reporter said,Foreign trade growth next year if, in accordance with the target this year,Complete the difficulty is greater.Have relevant personage and even to our reporter said,Foreign trade growth target even in 2013"The eight"Have difficulty.
The ministry of commerce international trade and economic cooperation research institute HuoJianGuo also think,Import and export growth this year will be slightly higher than in 2013,Even is expected to more than GDP growth next year,But the external circumstances last have improved significantly,so,The growth of foreign trade is still difficult to change the low.
Wei jianguo think,Even so,Next year the foreign trade target still not adjust,Will remain at 10%.That there are two major aspects of the consideration:One is this year China has published a series of encouraging policies to promote the foreign trade,These policies until next year will receive good effect.Second is we can make progress in emerging market development,Market diversification has achieved success,China in Africa/Association of southeast Asian nations/The export of gold ingot national development trend is good,This can lead to a certain extent increase exports.
"Expanding domestic demand"Still need more
Expanding domestic demand,Is China's economic growth mode transformation of the medium and long term path,Also in the global economic downturn situation in China is different from the other countries of the important growth potential.
Chen deming pointed out that,18 2013 business work to fully implement the party's great spirit,According to the central economic work conference deployment,In order to improve the increase quality and efficiency as the center,Adhere to the strategy of boosting domestic demand,Accelerate transformation of the mode of economic development,WenZhongQiuJin,Pioneering and innovative,To enhance business development of endogenous power,To realize the business enterprise sustained and healthy development.
Chen deming said,In 2013,,In perfecting consumption promoting system,Actively cultivate new consumption growth,Need to guide the hot spot of consumption,Advocate green consumption recycling,Ascension convenient consumption,Ensure safety consumption.
From the relevant personage of the statement,expenditure/The network shopping/logistics/Organic agriculture and so on,Or become a new growth point next consumption.Ministry of commerce of the circulation industry development XiangXin in our newspaper articles,In accordance with the law of consumption structure,China's service consumption will be the fastest growth in the future.Especially the family services/Tourism culture/Sports health services demand will more and more popular.At the same time,Urbanization process will also create the need for the circulation service.
The industry is generally accepted that,Circulation system reform is the expansion of domestic demand is the most important breakthrough.However,,Trapped in the present economic downward pressure,Faster through investment and exports to boost the economy,Compared with the expansion of domestic demand,Seems to be more urgent.
This newspaper in September 2012 for several reports have explained the dilemma,For policy making and the operator,"Expanding domestic demand"Policy is one of the difficult/Need to the test of great wisdom.Digital close to policy making people had told our reporter said,Quite a number of domestic trade policy implementation is difficult.
The actual problem,It is to"The growth"The path of differences.Have any questions on that,To change under the present economic situation,Mainly for investment and improve the export,Effective will be faster,Rather than promoting consumption.In other words,With financial subsidies,Or exemption/drawback/Of interest, such as the means to promote the consumption of policy,Are restricted by many factors.
Assistant minister of the ministry of commerce room love qing country newly established last year at the circulation industry development and guarantee market availability of news conference,Is quite meaningful.He pointed out that,Expanding consumer,Attaches great importance to the state council,Take it as a long-term development strategy.But there are some factors,To produce some slowing consumption,Including international demand atrophy/Some factors, such as industrial growth slowdown,All affect the growth of the consumer.
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