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1-2012 in November,China's grain including wheat/corn/Three rice crop varieties of import quantity total is 10.775 million tons,Growth of 294.5% year-on-year.Especially rice,The import spurt.Why China suddenly become a net importer of rice?Food prices and the global economy to produce what kind of impact?Don't really can cause the international food crisis?
美国农业部(U.S. Department of Agriculture)的数据显示,中国2012年进口精米260万吨,进口量创出历史新高,较2011年的57.5万吨大幅增长。 2012年我国大米激增引起诸多联想,20多年来,中国大米一直自给自足,但从2011年开始,这个 “神话”被打破,受到国际舆论的广泛关注。《华尔街日报》在报道中称,2012年的全球大米市场上出现了一个令人意外的大买家:中国。英国《金融时报》在获知中国海关的最新数据后称,“这个全球最大的大米消费国的进口量,今年将打破纪录。” 并断言中国“已经成为一个大规模的大米净进口国”,此将导致国际市场大米价格上涨,同时推高小麦和玉米等其他粮食价格,进而引发国际粮食市场的恐慌。这些猜想也引来中国官方的发言人,中国商务部发言人回答去年中国的粮食进口量是激增,是否会引发国际的粮食危机,并对中国本身的粮食安全造成影响,回答道:“中国粮食进口增加就说是中国粮食威胁论,或者说因为这样中国粮食不安全,是缺乏依据的。” 商务部发言人提供的数据称,2012年1-11月份,中国粮食包括小麦、玉米、大米三大作物的品种进口数量合计是1077.5万吨,同比增长了294.5%,“粮食进口的快速增长,总体上看是企业经营和市场需求的正常反映”。
The United States department of agriculture(U.S. Department of agriculture)Data showed that,In 2012 China imported 2.6 million tons of rice,Imports a record,A 2011 tons of growth. In 2012, rice surge cause many association,For more than twenty years,The Chinese rice has been self-sufficiency,But since 2011,this "myth"Is broken,By the international public opinion's attention.[The Wall Street journal]The report says,2012 years of global rice appeared on the market a surprisingly large buyers:China.British[Financial times]In the latest data know China customs after said,"The world's largest consumer of rice imports,This year will break the record." And assert that the Chinese"Has become a large-scale rice net importer",This will lead to the international market rice prices,At the same time push up wheat and corn and other food prices,Raising the international grain market panic.The suspect also lead China's official spokesman,Chinese commerce ministry spokesman answer last year China's food imports is surge,Whether it will cause the international food crisis,And the food security of China itself affect,replied:"China's food imports will say Chinese food threat,Or because of this China food safety,Is the lack of the basis." Commerce ministry spokesman said data provided,1-2012 in November,China's grain including wheat/corn/Three rice crop varieties of import quantity total is 10.775 million tons,Growth of 294.5% year-on-year,"The rapid growth of imported food,The overall perspective is the enterprise management and market demand of normal reflect".
Why China suddenly become a net importer of rice?Food prices and the global economy to produce what kind of impact?Don't really can cause the international food crisis?What is the source of rice imports surged?
China's consumer demand,Supply less than demand.
This view is in the United States,Of course the result also to the United States the most advantageous.Because once China's production can't satisfy the needs of the country,The import of course is the inevitable option for.As a global food exports boss,The United States will get a lot of opportunities.American farmers every day looking forward to the day when it.
这种观点认为,中国大规模进口大米是因为中国消费者的需求量在大幅增长。随着中国经济快速发展,生活水平日益提高,中国消费者对粮食需求也更加多样化,尤其对优质大米的需求明显上升。如果中国的粮食生产无法满足本国需求,这可能意味全球大米市场一个重大和长期转变的开始,因为中国的大米需求增长将会使得国际大米价格维持在高位。美国农业部数据认为,2012年中国大米产量为1.43亿吨,消费量达到1.44亿吨,似有100万吨缺口。《华尔街日报》称,一些国际分析师认为,推动中国大规模进口大米的是中国消费者需求的大幅增长。中国的大米无法满足本国人民的需求。如果确实是这样,这可能标志着全球大米市场一个重大和长期转变的开始。这可能引发人们对于大米产量能否满足需求的担心,而这将会使得大米价格维持在高位。 道琼斯通讯社称,一些分析师表示,推动因素是中国消费者需求的大幅增长,这可能引发人们对于大米产量能否满足需求的担心。英国《金融时报》的报道称 中国收成平平,加之国人饮食习惯的改变,对中国传统上的“粮食自给自足”构成很大压力,推高了粮食价格,并促使中国大量进口粮食。
The idea is that,China's massive import rice because China consumer demand in the sharp increase.With China's rapid economic development,The level of life is increasing day by day,Chinese consumers on food demand is also more diversified,Especially for the needs of high quality rice increased obviously.If China's grain production cannot meet its own needs,This may mean global rice market an important and long-term change start,Because China's rice demand growth will make international rice prices remain high.The United States department of agriculture data think,In 2012, the Chinese rice yield is 143 million tons,Consumption reached 144 million tons,Seems to be 1 million tons of gap.[The Wall Street journal]says,Some analysts believe that international,The promotion of China's massive import rice is China's consumer demand growth.China's rice to meet the needs of their people.If it is true,This may be a sign that global rice market an important and long-term change start.This may cause people to rice production can meet the demand of worry,And this will make rice prices remain high. Dow Jones newswires said,Some analysts said,Push factor is China's consumer demand growth,This may cause people to rice production can meet the demand of worry.British[Financial times]reports China's harvest go,Together with Chinese eating habits change,The traditional to China"Self-sufficiency in grain"Constitute a big pressure,Pushing up food prices,And prompted China's import a lot of food.
Stabilize domestic price/Earn interest margin and increase the reserve:Overseas price depression looms.
This view to China's domestic point of view is given priority to,Also on China's advantage.In the international market of domestic prices low,The import of some rice replenish stock,State-owned food dealer to earn a little interest margin,Than let smugglers profiteering is better.
Domestic and foreign price rice to rice imports jumps.Some closer to the Chinese government set the price of rice is much higher than the global market level with rice,And the market price rise more.This makes those in Vietnam/Pakistan and India and other countries purchase rice Chinese importers profitable,They can at a higher price in the domestic market to sell these imported rice.[The Wall Street journal]Provides an example:In the middle of December 2012 from Vietnam imported rice average price is about $410 per ton,But the price of this kind of rice in China can be up to $635 per ton or so.The United Nations food and agricultural organization data display,China's hubei indica rice prices in the first 9 months of 2012 rose by 11%,At $625 a tonne;Compared with the,Vietnam's most expensive rice varieties 5% broken rice rate of rice price is only $451 per ton,Rice processors imports rice is mainly from home and abroad in order to profit in the price.domestic/Foreign huge price difference,This will inevitably lead to import quotas are the enterprise will be a large number of imports of food in the international market,Earn huge interest spread.Thailand has been in the past is the largest source of imports of rice,But last year has changed,Mainly is to improve the Thailand for rice purchase policy,prices,But Vietnam/Pakistan and India and other countries of the rice price more competitive.According to bloomberg reports,2012 years ago ten months,China imported 2 million tons of 1.43 million tons of rice from Vietnam.
有些国外的分析者也认同这个观点。如:凯投宏观(Capital Economics)的Thomas Pugh表示,中国现在基本上有两个分裂的市场,农民向政府出售大米,而消费者则从海外购买大米。这导致政府购买的大米很多都被储藏起来,而不是用于加工和消费。一旦价差收窄,进口量就会回落。
Some foreign analysts also agree with this view.if:Kay for macro(capital economics)Thomas of Pugh said,China now there are basically two division of the market,Farmers to governments sell rice,And consumers can buy rice from overseas.This leads to the government to buy rice many are stored,But not in the processing and consumption.Once the narrow price,Imports will be back.
中国政府近年提高农民收入的政策在一定程度上推动国内大米价格上涨,粮食进口对于平抑物价水平有贡献。此外,因为越南大米价格低,有一些大米通过走私渠道进入中国。有报道称益海嘉里负责人表示,中国南部不少大米走私活动,将越南米贩入国内,获利不少。也有报道称, 中粮内部人士表示,去年中粮一年进口大米至少70万吨,大部分是越南米和巴基斯坦米,而在2011年,进口量还不足8万吨,几乎涨了8倍。主要是因为价格低,公司做贸易业务,进口后卖给其他企业。
The Chinese government in recent years, increasing farmers' income policy to a certain extent promote domestic rice prices,Grain imports contribute to stabilize prices level.In addition,Because Vietnam rice prices low,There is some rice smuggled into China channel.Reports say the yihai kerry person in charge said,A lot of rice in south China smuggling activities,Vietnamese rice will sell into the domestic,Profit a lot.Reports have also, Cofco insiders said,Last year a year rice grain imports at least 700000 tons,Most are Vietnamese rice and Pakistan meters,In 2011,Imports are less than 80000 tons,Rose almost eight times.Mainly because of low price,The company to do business,After the import sold to other enterprises.
Commerce ministry spokesman also further endorsed this reason.He said analysis,Imported food faster the reason mainly has three:The first,The domestic and international market price increase,Enterprise import will increase.The second,Enterprise growth feed USES inventory.Especially corn,The domestic supply and demand of corn partial tight,Stock co., LTD.,,Enterprises to increase the international market purchasing corn used to replenish stock.The third,Base reason.The same period in 2011,China's wheat/Corn and rice import base relative is very low,Only 1.03 million tons/1.18 million tons and 510000 tons.
See from the future development,The price of rice in China will be more and more high,Only from the international import to stabilize the domestic grain market will make Chinese farmers give up grain production.Japan/South Korea domestic rice prices are international market dozens of times.If according to this theory,They should have smuggling and imported.If the protection of China's farmers,Let them grain does not suffer,Is a big problem.
How much is the reserve of rice in China?How much is the import quotas?
这个数据一个很糊糊。中国粮食储备不断增加,加上国内外大米差价收窄,2013年中国大米进口量将有所下降。联合国粮农组织预计,截至2012年9月底,中国大米库存量达到9370万吨,创历史最高纪录。 根据加入世贸组织的承诺,中国对小麦、玉米和大米是采取关税配额管理。去年1-11月份,小麦、玉米和大米总体进口关税配额完成了不到50%。关税配额量是根据安全性和国际市场影响的因素来确定的,整体进口规模是在合理范围内。目前有报道称中国的大米进口配额是700万吨。
This data is a very HuHu.China's grain reserves increase,Add rice price differentials narrow at home and abroad,In 2013, the Chinese rice imports will be declined.The United Nations food and agriculture organization is expected,By the end of 2012 the end of September,The Chinese rice stocks reached 93.7 million tons,The all-time record high. According to the commitment of the accession to the world trade organization,China's wheat/Corn and rice is to take tariff quota management.Last year in November 1 -,wheat/Corn and rice import tariff quotas of overall completed less than 50%.Tariff quota amount is according to the safety and international market factors to determine,The whole import scale is in the reasonable scope.There are reports that China's rice import quota is 7 million tons.
The Chinese rice imports on global what effect?
Global rice trade is a bit special,Most of the rice is consumer mass production m countries,Rice global trade accounts for only a tiny part of the total.The United Nations food and agriculture organization released,2012 rice trade only for 37.3 million tons,Accounted for 7.7% of global supply.
The United Nations food and agriculture organization released,2012 rice trade only three,7.3 million tons,Accounted for 7.7% of global supply.China a year of rice consumption is about 140 million tons,The Chinese rice import any risks will have a huge impact.So China's massive import rice,On the global rice trade has great influence.In 2008,,Rice prices drive the other major food prices,Thus an outbreak of the global food crisis.The United Nations food and agriculture organization of the scholars think,If this trend continues,People worry that other parts of the world production can meet the demand of rice in China.
A large number of domestic and imported to have any influence?Food imports would depend on what impact?Whether it will push up the domestic inflation index?Food imports will damage the interests of China's domestic food and agriculture?
虽然几百万吨的进口量不足以影响中国粮食安全,但是对于许多国内企业而言会有一定的负面影响。长期来看,大米进口量的增加将对我国大米安全产生负面作用,对相关行业产生不利的影响。来自越南、巴基斯坦等国低价米进入,对我国稻米市场的冲击已经显现。目前国内中档大米价格一般在2.5-4元/斤,高端4元/斤以上,而低端在2元/斤左右,许多进口米的到岸价只有1.4元/斤,低价米是受进口米影响的重灾区。 大量进口普通大米,就会造成与民争利。大量低端大米进口的增加,是造成我国稻米市场目前稻强米弱及大米加工企业亏损的原因之一。
Although millions of tons of imports is not enough to affect China's food security,But for many domestic companies will have a negative impact.In the long term,Rice imports will increase to our rice safety produce negative effects,The relevant industry produce adverse effect.From Vietnam/Pakistan and other countries at a low price in meters,The impact of rice in China market has appeared.At present domestic intermediate rice prices generally in 2.5-4 yuan/jins,High-end 4 yuan/pounds over,And low in 2 yuan/jins or so,Many imported rice cif price is only 1.4 yuan/catty,Low m is affected by the influence of imported meters worst-hit areas. Import a lot of ordinary rice,It will cause YuMinZhengLi.A large number of low rice imports increase,Is a rice in China market is strong and weak rice rice rice processing enterprise one of the reasons for the loss.
Too much food import in the long term for food and agriculture obvious disadvantage.The kind of soybean farmers are seldom kind of soybeans.
Why change the grain import pattern?China's food safety policy adjustment?The grain import breakthrough red line no?
China has adhered to its self-sufficiency rate of grain must be kept in more than 95% of the policy"Red line"Has for many years,But the recent surge in imports of whether to suggest that this may have started to loose?Because of the many food trade giant have strived to in China's imports of grain pole position,In their eyes,Chinese food imports surged will become"Change the game for."
在粮食进口上,中国一直采取较为保守的政策,甚至在2011年以前,中国仅允许进口少量的优质大米和小麦,而玉米进口量近乎为零。为守住自给红线,在2008年10月的中共十七届三中全会中还明确提出了“坚决守住18亿亩耕地红线”。 如果剔除2012年前11个月进口的5249万吨大豆,具体到谷物和谷粉类别,中国粮食进口量为1340万吨,这一数据虽然仅占全年粮食总产量的2%左右,但是却为2011年同期的三倍。
On grain imports,China has been taken more conservative policy,Even in 2011 years ago,China is only allowed to import a small amount of high quality rice and wheat,And corn imports almost to zero.To keep self red line,In October 2008 the third plenary session of the 17th CPC also clearly put forward"Firmly hold 1.8 billion hectares of arable land red line". If eliminate 2012 years ago 11 months imported 52.49 million tons of soybeans,Specific to the valley grain powder category,Chinese food imports for 13.4 million tons,The data although only account for about 2% of the total grain output,But for the same period in 2011, three times.
The national political consultative conference (CPPCC)/The central rural work leading group office director Chen as early as in 2011 March to the media interview said,If the soybeans into the food category,China's food imports has reached 11%,Of the force can reach 90%.
中国的粮食自给率是否受到威胁?粮食自给率须保持在95%以上的政策“红线”是否已突破?1340万吨谷物进口量仅相当于全球2.8 亿吨谷物贸易量的4.7%,相当于日本谷物进口量的60%,若与中国每年5.2 亿吨谷物消费量相比较,它只相当于2.6%。 若以此比例计算,中国尚未打破进口“红线”。
China is threatened its self-sufficiency rate of grain?Must maintain its self-sufficiency rate of grain in more than 95% of the policy"Red line"Is breakthrough?13.4 million tons of grain imports only equivalent to the global 2.8 4.7% of the one hundred million tons of grain trade,Japan is equivalent to 60% of the grain imports,If every year in China with 5.2 One hundred million tons of grain consumption compared,It is only equivalent to 2.6%. If this ratio calculation,China has yet to break the import"Red line".
The future of rice supply and demand gap will further increase?
According to the current size and the national bureau of statistics data released by the official,During 1998 to 2010 in food consumption consumption growth rate calculation,In 2020, China's annual grain consumption consumption is likely to exceed 650 million tons.China's state food and contrast medium and long term planning,In 2020 China's grain production capacity is 550 million tons,This means that when the time comes China's food ChanXu gap is likely to reach 100 million tons.
新近富起来的中国人要吃更多蛋白质、肉类,这要消费更多粮食。国人饮食习惯的改变,是今年中国玉米和大豆进口增加的一个关键原因。 据美国农业部估计,尽管家庭收入不断增长,今年中国大米的绝对需求与10年前基本相当。与此同时,玉米和大豆等用于喂养牲口的主要饲料消耗量激增。
The newly rich Chinese want to eat more protein/meat,This will consume more food.Chinese eating habits change,Is this year China's corn and soybean imports a key reason. The usda estimates,Although the family income increase,This year the Chinese rice absolute demand and basic quite ten years ago.meanwhile,Corn and soy, used for feeding cattle main feed consumption surge.
Food imports of another account
The department estimated,In 2010, imports to calculate place,China's imports of agricultural products is equivalent to the amount used abroad about more than 700 million hectares of arable land.
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