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recently,The United States department of agriculture officials will to China poultry processing factory inspect.The United States[The Wall Street journal]On January 22, published reports,Inspection results may make the United States to lift restrictions on imports of Chinese poultry,That sino-us trade relations milder.
Reports say,The United States will in the end of 1 or 2 month sent to China's ministry of agriculture officials poultry plant inspection.This behavior is of the two countries after seven years of negotiations to achieve results.The inspection is to solve the trade dispute between China and the United States,The United States may also can export to China beef/China to the United States poultry collection high tariff the two problems and provide solutions.
The United States department of agriculture officials say,The United States department of agriculture inspector will check Chinese poultry processing factory and visualize whether accord with the food safety standards.but,The United States department of agriculture in China is preferred imports of American chicken products processing,Then decide the import of Chinese breeding and processing of chicken products.But the United States the fed China chicken products import will need at least a year's time.
According to the report,Since 2006,China and the United States to export to chicken,But due to the outbreak of bird flu/Food safety reasons and the congress of the United States against,The United States can not lift a ban on the import of Chinese chicken.
Researchers made university professor DE mott hayes said,The limitation of the chicken in China has long been pricked the sino-us trade relations.He thinks,To solve this dispute can make China to the United States to break the barriers of agricultural products,Will make American beef to enter the Chinese market.
A former official said the United States department of agriculture,For a long time,The United States asked China to buy the beef production,China is demanding the United States imported China chicken.In the United States to China chicken imports made before action,China also refused to make any concession U.S. beef imports.
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