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As barack Obama the new government came to power,Reclaim international trade issue will become America's first concerns. 


In the first term,Relative to the frequent exposure domestic economic problems and its countermeasures,Obama government in international trade seems to be conservative.But in Obama re-elected after the President of the United States,His government group obviously has started for the upcoming two big trade negotiations with the preparation. 


the,Both the us and Europe are trying to start from the trade negotiations,Aims to achieve a across the Atlantic ocean(10.34,0.00,0.00%)Bilateral trade agreement;In addition,The United States also plans and the asia-pacific countries in September this year before signing"Across the ocean(6.49,0.00,0.00%)Strategic economic partnership agreement"(TPP).but,In view of the two big trade talks in many countries,so,Technical barriers and rules system will be doomed the negotiation process not plain sailing. 


Us and European trade negotiations since the countdown 


The United States and Europe is now the world's two largest economies,Covers more than 800 million population,Gross domestic product (GDP) and total trade respectively accounted for about half of the global total, and a third. 


For both sides of the Atlantic for politicians,To reach Europe and the United States since the trade agreement once is an unreachable dream.But now it seems,Washington and Brussels from the realization of the dream went further. 


Just finished the German tour U.S. vice President biden,Are trying to evaluate the eu political right and the bilateral trade negotiations input level.Although the American and European bilateral trade negotiations will start as early as next month,But German chancellor Angela merkel previously has said,Thank you very much Mr Obama will build us and European free trade put on the agenda,If the negotiations can be carried out smoothly,The us and Europe will speed up the establishment of free trade process. 


At present,The us and Europe are their biggest trading partner,so,Once a free us and Europe,Will the scale over North America free trade,And may be to promote trade between the American and European growth of the new way.Since last year,The us and Europe have held talks on how to promote widely talks.Negotiations have from simple tariffs,To promote more complex internal supervision problem. 

  当时,欧盟贸易委员德古特(Karel De Gucht)在都柏林时表示:“这还是多年来双方第一次认真推动欧美自由贸易协定。”欧盟驻美国大使德阿尔梅达则认为:“双方都在努力为谈判做充分准备,没有人希望谈判结果付诸东流。” 

At that time,The eu trade commissioner, dracula(karel DE Gucht)In Dublin, said:"This is the first time for many years both sides carefully push Europe and the United States free trade agreement."The European Union's ambassador in the United States AErMeiDa is considered:"Both sides are working hard for the negotiations to do adequate preparation,No one wants to count the negotiations." 


Although both the us and Europe to cross the Atlantic ocean bilateral trade agreement signed had expected,But the real sign agreement still must face to face with technology and domestic rules challenges.American and European trade is concerned,Trade policy is not only limited to import tariffs,At the same time, including many trade rules.the,Technical standard has become the biggest challenge.Such as,Both the us and Europe has promised in the electric vehicle standard cooperation,But for the traditional car security mechanism how to unified differences still exist. 


Even if the us and Europe in terms of technology agreement,Institutions and concept differences obviously cannot easily overcome.In Europe and the United States internal,Different organizations usually have different provisions.and,Along with the European parliament rising power,International treaty will no longer can easily through the. 

  欧洲议会主席舒尔兹(Martin Schulz)在近期访问华盛顿时也强调,美欧在诸如食品安全、消费者保护和环境标准上存在分歧,鉴于这些分歧深受文化理念的影响,谈判将注定是场拉锯战。 

The European parliament President schultz(Martin Schulz)In the near future to visit Washington also emphasized,In the us and Europe, such as food safety/Consumer protection and environmental standard differences,In view of these differences are the influence of cultural concept,The negotiations will be destined to be a seesaw battle. 


TPP negotiations of the Japanese problem 


And the economic potential of the huge in the asia-pacific region,Obviously the United States coveted a piece of fat meat.Nearly two years since the United States"Return to the"After the strategy to accelerate,TPP has been in the asia-pacific region is a hot topic in the field of economy and trade. 


This is the New Zealand TPP/Singapore/Chile and brunei launched four,Due to the initial member quantity is less,In the global trade share is not big,Is not known.But since in 2009 the United States announced after join the treaty,Every TPP jumped to become the asia-pacific region is one of the important economic cooperation mechanism. 


In view of TPP aims to realize all the goods zero tariff/Open thoroughly implement,At the same time also involve such as intellectual property/Labor standard/Environmental protection/Agricultural and other related policy,So in September this year to reach an agreement before seems a little too.But the difficulty is that,In addition to the partners in the negotiations,The United States must will be the most important ranging from Japan. 


Japan is second only to China's Asia's second largest economy,But its trade further development is still subject to domestic deep-rooted agricultural protectionism.Foreign affairs college professor in ZhouYongSheng previously accepted[The first financial daily]A reporter to interview said:"The Japanese economy in the weakest link is agriculture,so,The department of agriculture firmly opposed,Think to join TPP can lead to the Japanese agricultural into the deep." 


Japanese officials, said,Considering the TPP problem in Japan domestic sensitivity,Prime minister shinzo Abe in this month during his trip to the United States,Unlikely he announced that Japan will join TPP negotiation process.In addition,Some of the industry in the United States and Japan to whether or not to join the TPP negotiations sidelined. 


the,If the American automobile industry may be Japan to join TPP primary impact object.Although Japan in the United States has many car manufacturers,But considering the once Japan to join TPP,The United States will import more from the Japanese car,The American automobile industry is still a qualified opinion. 


For in the United States,To borrow TPP make new asia-pacific economic and trade rules and is not easy to do.and,From the main body of TPP in negotiations to see,Relevant national power is uneven,Plus covers a full range,The specific implementation of TPP also difficult. 


At present,The United States trade representative kirk will by the end of the month the outgoing,Mr Obama needs to appoint a new trade representative take over the job.The ministry of commerce and the United States are expected to have personnel changes. 
