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花旗预测中国GDP增长7.8% 外贸或将拖累经济--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Six foreign financial institutions predict China's economic growth up to 9%,The lowest 7.8%

  《中国经济周刊》 记者 谈佳隆

[China economic weekly] reporter About jialong

  1月18日,国家统计局发布的宏观经济数据显示,去年全年我国国内生产总值(GDP)为 519322亿元,按可比价格计算比上年增长7.8%。这一数据虽然较上年增速有所放缓,却超过了去年年初7.5%的预期目标。值得庆幸的是,去年第四季度扭转了GDP增速连续6个季度逐季回落的态势。

1 month and day,The national bureau of statistics released by the macro economic data shows,Last year's gross domestic product in our country(GDP)for 51.9322 trillion yuan,Calculated at comparable prices 7.8% increase from the previous year.The data although previous year has slowed down,But more than 7.5% of the anticipated goal at the beginning of last year.Those who be worth to rejoice is,Last year in the fourth quarter turn the continuous growth of GDP and a quarter by quarter dropped the situation.


In 2013,,China's economic growth pattern whether can continue?Is the most uncertainty and risk is???????In January,[China economic weekly]Interview including HSBC bank/ubs/citibank/DBS bank/Hang seng bank/Jpmorgan chase, a number of other Banks and investment bank economists,Listen to their views on China's economy this year.


"Last year, there are a lot of risk,Everyone is worried about whether China's economy will be a hard landing,Feel the uncertainty.Compared with,This year's economic present a mild recovery trend,So it seems that there will be a bit boring."Ubs chief China economist WangTao said.

  而汇丰经济研究亚太区常务总监兼联席主管、大中华区首席经济学家屈宏斌[微博]则表示:“我们对于中国2013年的总体展望可以用一句话来总结,就是‘新领导新年新气象’。 温和复苏、温和通胀,货币宽松,加快金融改革。”

And HSBC asia-pacific economic research standing director and director of the joint/The greater China region, chief economist QuHongBin [micro bo], said:"We are 2013 years of Chinese overall outlook can use a word to summarize,is‘The new leadership New Year new atmosphere’. Moderate recovery/Mild inflation,Loose monetary,Speed up financial reform."


Economic growth prospects vary widely


At the beginning of every year,Each big financial institutions in China economic growth that will give a anticipation digital,Has become a practice.In this,The most optimistic judgement from DBS bank.


DBS bank senior economist in the greater China region LiangZhaoJi and research thought,In 2013 GDP growth in 2012 from 7.8% up to 9%.


HSBC's point of view also more optimistic."We for the 2013 GDP growth forecast 8.6% remain unchanged."QuHongBin tell[China economic weekly],"In 2012, China's GDP growth of 7.8%,Ten years is the minimum level,But for long-term facing structural adjustment pressure for China,Can be said to be completed in overseas market demand decline under the impact of the formidable task of steady growth."

  事实上,很多金融机构都在去年四季度上调了中国的经济增长预期。摩根大通中国首席经济学家朱海斌表示:“我们将2013年GDP增长预期由此前的8.0% 上调至8.2%。2013年中国经济将经历周期性复苏,但增长潜力仍将处于长期下行通道。与去年中国同时面临周期及结构性因素引发的双重放缓相比,目前的状况已经大为改观。”

In fact,Many financial institutions are in the fourth quarter of last year raised China's economic growth prospects.Jpmorgan China chief economist ZhuHaiBin said:"We will be in 2013 GDP growth from 8.0% of the expected before Rise to 8.2%.In 2013, the Chinese economy will experience cyclical recovery,But the potential for growth will remain in long-term downward channel.And at the same time last year China facing cycle and structural factors caused by the slowdown in double compared,The present situation has changed greatly."


Who were interviewed in financial institutions,Ubs and hang seng is given the forecast of 8%.Hang seng bank chief economist YanAiQun think:"The mainland economy in the fourth quarter of 2012 recovery,We believe that this year the trend will continue.GDP growth in 2012 is expected to or by increasing from 7.7% in 2013 to 8.0%.The government promised to speed up infrastructure project examination and approval,Investment growth is expected to rebound.As for the consumption will be rapid growth of income for residents to keep steady."


With the full of confidence on different financial institutions,Citigroup is the most pessimistic number,citibank(China)Co., LTD. Retail banking research and investment analysis QiuSi tell the nephews[China economic weekly]:"We forecast this year China's GDP growth may be only 7.8%,We judge the sessions this year,The government should have a 7% economic growth."Given the 7.8% prediction is mainly due to citigroup says,In this year, stimulate economic growth of investment/Consumption and trade in the troika,Trade will drag the economy.


Foreign trade will be no drag economic shock debate


In fact,The major financial institutions to GDP data of different prediction,Is mainly to the trade growth there are quite different opinions,Trade will become China's economic growth this year one of the biggest uncertainty.


In YanAiQun seems,Infrastructure investment ideal/Real estate construction slow recovery and to stock trend will be the end of the main power of economic growth.however,The global economic situation is still severe,Foreign trade prospects to optimistic,Now the weak is the potential for economic recovery.


Jpmorgan chase that report,Last year, China's economy can rebound stabilises,Mainly because consumption remains relatively strong,To prevent economic slowdown as powerful buffer,And trade activities to improve significantly.The fourth quarter of last year"Jump up"Is the main driving force.


but,ZhuHaiBin said:"Our concern is the above two factors to promote the good effect in the first half of 2013 May be weakened.Last year, four quarter retail sales strong growth momentum may be slowing in the coming months,Because the monthly trade data fluctuation is very severe,This reflects the existing global terminal demand higher uncertainty.Our global team expected,In 2013, the global economy will start the weak,By the end of the year will gradually recovery,So the next few months trade industry's performance may be less than expected."

  信心最足的是给出中国GDP增长 9%目标的星展银行,梁兆基及其团队认为,过度看空外贸并没有必要,理由是“随着对欧洲出口下降态势止步和对美国出口持续增长,外部环境应该能够再给GDP增长添加0.5%”,而不是给经济增长拖后腿。

's most confident is given China's GDP growth 9% target DBS bank,LiangZhaoJi and team think,Excessive look empty and there is no need to foreign trade,Reason is"With the decline in exports to Europe situation walking and exports to the United States continued growth,External environment should be able to add 0.5% to GDP growth",Not for economic growth dragging.


QiuSi nephews are clearly not agree with this view,In his view,Foreign trade not only won't to China's economic growth this year to bring positive contribution,May also will drive the overall economic growth rate fell by one percent,The most obvious reason is that Europe is still not get rid of the shadow of the economic recession.


Entity investment in recovery channel


Compared with the foreign trade situation judgment complicated and confusing,The stability of the entity investment growth become the consensus of many economists.


Expected the most optimistic LiangZhaoJi think,Last year,China's fixed asset investment growth is about 20%,Compared with 30% lower average level(An average of 26%).Growth down part of the reason is the leading by authorities,But there are also part of leadership is the handover,Major criminal trial and neighboring fierce territorial disputes have influence.If the investment growth 15% rally this year,Then this will give 2013 GDP bring 1% growth.


WangTao think,"Infrastructure investment/Real estate recovery/To inventory will be the theme of economic growth."QiuSi nephews are made clear,With the government in the basic investment stimulus,China's economy is"off"Don't down.


In fact,in"Of party and government economic"Continue to drive down,The acceleration of the infrastructure investment is expected to continue,New projects planned total investment growth is still remain high.This round in April last year from three reverse investment growth shows that,The government stimulus policy though not in a big way,But always quietly propulsion.Including traffic/Water conservancy/Power related data support the idea.


ZhuHaiBin told[China economic weekly]:"Most of the attention of infrastructure investment,Such as railway and underground rail transit investment.As a fixed asset investment vane new project total investment shows that this trend will continue in the near future for.Real estate is now FuSuQi in the third stage,Namely construction and investment activities of recovery.In addition,Manufacturing enterprise to inventory seems to have come to an end,Inventory rebuilding has started.These are all positive signal."


but,The uncertainty of the largest entity investment from the government in house prices may rise again out of control of real estate inhibition on policy.YanAiQun judgment,Although sales of commercial property and security room construction continue to rise,Real estate is expected to drive the fixed asset investment growth increased slightly,But increasing the speed will be affected by the real estate regulation policy,Drag manufacturing investment growth is likely to slow.
