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As an agricultural country,China's fruit and vegetable food exported to Europe and the United States,The popular.but,According to the state administration of quality supervision and quarantine website news,This year, the eu will strengthen the supervision of import 5 kinds food in China,They are respectively:Frozen strawberries/kale/Dry noodles/Fresh grapefruit and tea.
It is understood,European Union of the five kinds of food test key is different:kale/Fresh grapefruit tea and main detection of pesticide residues,Frozen strawberry mainly such as virus detection,Dry noodles to detect the contents of aluminium.For this,China agricultural university, associate professor of food science and nutrition engineering institute Zhu Yi told reporters,For food safety and trade barriers and other considerations,The eu on imported food inspection is very strict.but,People don't have to worry about that,As long as learn to choose/Washing and cooking,These food can rest assured to eat.
The tea don't put too much at a time
Kale is a crisp taste/Nutritious leafy greens,As with most vegetables,Its biggest hidden danger is the problem of pesticide residue,Such as fluorine azole worm qing/Fluorine worm qing/Carbendazim, etc.,Is the key test of pesticide.
The eu for fresh grapefruit also mainly is the pesticide residue detection,Such as the triazophos/Triadimefon and triazole alcohols, etc.These pesticides may through the grapefruit skin infiltration into the pulp,Endanger human body health.
Tea pesticide residue problems in recent years has been widely concerned,Many fear the residues of pesticides on tea steeps tea into the tea,So as to cause harm to health.
For this,Experts said action,Kale green leafy vegetables such as before eating must be carefully cleaned,Water that had better choose below 40 degrees Celsius,Can accelerate the decomposition of pesticide residue and dissolution.In addition,Will be flushing kale under running water,Also help to eliminate residual of pesticide.
Grapefruit skin more smooth to pick/Of the small,Ok one weigh in hand in your hand,As heavy as possible,Because big weight more water,Taste better.Best first rinse with warm water before peeling.It is important to note,With skin grapefruit grapefruit tea method is not an option.
In general,The fuel of spring tea farmers residual rarely before end of may.Fresh tea tea generally no plant diseases and insect pests during growth,Pesticide use number/Type co., LTD.,The tea less likely to be contaminated.In addition,Tea is best often transform origin and brand,Don't put too much tea at a time,This is also a good way to circumvent the risk of food safety.
Beware of microbial pollution
The noodles/Fried dough sticks/Cake, pasta excessive content of aluminum is more common security hidden danger.The aluminum may come from flour processing or other ingredients,But the biggest may be aluminized food additives,The potassium alum(Aluminium potassium sulfate)And ammonium alum(Ammonium aluminum sulfate).
Experts say,Try to eating Fried dough sticks with no aluminum leavening agent/cake,Buy dried noodles/Baking powder/When Fried powder,Carefully to see if ingredients in aluminium ingredient,Such as potassium aluminum sulfate/Aluminum sulfate ammonia/Potassium alum/Ammonium alum/alum/Withered alum, etc..Not to buy too"soft"The steamed bread.
Frozen strawberries may be microbial contamination.Frozen foods are the main hidden trouble of pathogenic microorganisms.Although at low temperature can inhibit the microbial breeding,But it can not play the role of effective sterilization,Once the recovery at room temperature,The surviving microorganisms may still active.In addition,After frozen food to thaw,If placed at room temperature for a long time,Can also cause microbial multiply.
For this,The personage inside course of study suggests,When consumer is choosing strawberry as far as possible choose symmetry/Skin integrity,Carefully wash before eating.It is important to note,Frozen dumplings/Frozen steamed bread/Frozen bean curd and other frozen food are common,These foods should be put into the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase,Try to keep them in room temperature for a long time.In the refrigerator to have cooked separately,To avoid cross contamination,Must be cooked to eat/cooked.
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