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For two consecutive years high speed growth of China's forest products import and export trade suffered in 2009 after falling for the first time.Although the decline was only 1.1%,But it sends a signal,Affected by the international economic environment,China's forest products trade pattern is changing quietly.


??Post-crisis decline for the first time


??Export growth narrowed sharply,Imports fell comparable to the crisis

  ??记者从国家林业局发展规划与资金管理司了解到,2012年我国林产品进出口总额为1188.3亿美元,同比减少1.1%。这个比率的上一次下滑要追溯到 2009年,席卷全球的金融危机对我国林产品对外贸易造成重创,当年进出口额同比下降5.6%。而在2010年,我国林产品对外贸易强劲反弹,创造了 37.1%的高增幅。2011年,大幅增长的态势得以延续,进出口贸易增长28%。

??Reporters from the state forestry administration development planning and capital management to know,Chinese forest products import and export in 2012 amounted to $118.83 billion,Down 1.1% year on year.The rate of decline dates back to the last time In 2009,,The global financial crisis has hit China's forest products trade,The imports and exports fell 5.6% year on year.In 2010,,China's strong rebound in foreign trade in forest products,To create the 37.1% of high growth.In 2011,,Surge of momentum to continue,Import and export trade growth of 28%.

  ??2012年我国林产品进出口贸易中,出口575.7亿美元,增长5.0%;而2010年出口增幅为34.3%,2011年增幅为18.3%,可见出口增幅 在持续收窄,且2012年表现得尤为明显。记者了解到,2012年出口增速放缓主要是由于我国传统的优势林产品如木家具、胶合板、纸产品等出口显著下滑。 2012年木家具出口增幅仅为 7.1%,而2010年木家具的增幅为30%;2012年纸产品出口增幅为6.3%,而2011年增幅为35.0%;2012年木制品出口增幅为 7.7%,而2010年增幅为11.6%。

??Forest products import and export trade in our country in 2012,Exports of $57.57 billion,Growth of 5.0%;The export growth of 34.3% in 2010,Growth of 18.3% in 2011,Visible export growth Continues to narrow,And is especially apparent in 2012.The reporter understands,2012 slowing export growth is largely due to the advantage of traditional Chinese forest products such as wooden furniture/plywood/Paper products such as exports decline significantly. Wood furniture export growth was only about 2012 7.1%,In 2010 30% of wood furniture;Paper products export growth of 6.3% in 2012,In 2011, a 35.0% increase;Wood products export growth for 2012 7.7%,In 2010, a 11.6% increase.

  ??2012年,我国共进口林产品612.6亿美元,同比减少6.3%。而2010年和 2011年进口增幅都在40%左右,2012年的下滑水平已经接近2009年的下滑幅度7.9%。主要表现是某些进口大宗商品量价齐跌。如原木和锯材进口 数量和金额均大幅下挫。其中原木进口量和进口额同比下降10.5%和12.4%,锯材更是在连续3年的大幅上涨后出现了罕见的下滑,同比下降了4.3%和 3.5%。

??In 2012,,China's total imports of forest products ($61.26 billion),Down 6.3% year on year.In 2010, and Imports growth was at 40% in 2011,A dip in 2012 levels are close to a decline of 7.9% in 2009.Main show is some import commodities are sold price down.Such as logs and sawn timber imports Both quantity and amount for fell sharply.The log imports and imports fell by 10.5% and 12.4%,Lumber is in 3 years in a row after rising sharply fallen rare,Fell 4.3% year-on-year and 3.5%.


??Expert analysis,Raw material imports fell,Is mainly due to the effect of domestic real estate market regulation and control,Wood products demand lead to weakening demand for raw materials.This data is not a surprise.Reporter in June 2012 in suifenhe port log imports of depression significantly.According to reporter understanding,In 2012,,Multiple ports in our country have appeared different degree of a large number of hoarding log.


??Old and new market transposition


??Japanese foot-dragging in the European Union,Main into emerging markets


??In 2012,,Our country forest product foreign market pattern changed.The market demand increases steadily,The European Union and Japan market demand remains weak.The reporter understands,In 2012 the us housing market index continued to rise,Low mortgage rates and down-payment requirements,Just need to constantly release,The demand for wood and its products stabilize upward.

  ??2012年我国全年对美出口同比增长11.2%,美国仍然是我主要出口市场。而欧盟和日本则为我国林产品进出口贸易拖了后腿。在欧盟市场,尽管12月欧元 区经济景气指数和消费者信心指数均好于预期,但PMI再度回落,2012年我国对欧盟市场出口同比下降1.3%;日本当前公共债务规模过大,通胀压力或进 一步增加系统性的金融风险,家庭消费信心指数下降,对木材及其产品需求下降,致使对日本出口同比减少4.4%。此外,2012年我国对东盟出口微降 0.6%。

??Throughout the year of 2012, China's exports to the us increased 11.2% year on year,The United States is still my main export market.While the European Union and Japan for Chinese forest products import and export trade dragging the hind legs.In the European market,Although the euro in December Area economic sentiment index and consumer confidence index were better than expected,But the PMI fell back again,In 2012 China's exports to the eu market fell 1.3% year on year;Japan's current public debt scale is too large,Or going to inflationary pressures Step increase systemic financial risks,Household consumption confidence index decreased,Decreased the demand for wood and its products,Led to Japan's exports fell 4.4%.In addition,China's exports to asean in 2012, April 0.6%.

  ??新兴市场连续多年稳定增长,2012年,在传统市场低迷的衬托下,印度、南非、俄罗斯、巴西等新兴市场的表现格外抢眼。受美国整体经济温和复苏影响和带 动,新兴市场需求进一步企稳,整体向好迹象显著。全年对新兴国家市场出口除印度负增长以外,对其他新兴国家市场出口增长均超过10%。

??Stable growth of emerging markets for many years,In 2012,,Against the background of traditional market downturn,India/In South Africa/Russia/Emerging markets such as Brazil's exceptionally strong performance.Affected by the modest recovery of the U.S. economy as a whole and belt dynamic,Emerging market demand further stabilization,The overall positive signs.Annual exports to emerging markets except India, negative growth,Exports to other emerging markets are up more than 10%.


??Negative growth will continue?


??Late fall still continue,Is influenced by the future challenges


??Has in the past 2012 years,The industry is more attention,Negative growth will continue?


??In December 2012, the import and export trade data,The situation is not optimistic.Although the imports and exports year-on-year growth of 0.3% for the month in December,log/Sawn timber/Paper products such as large decline of forest products is narrow,The downward trend in but still remains unchanged.

  ??特别值得一提的是,传统的出口“主力”产品人造板表现乏力,纤维板在2012年12月份出口量和出口额分别减少23.3%和14.9%。但12月木片进口 量和进口额却大幅反弹,分别增长88.5%和64.4%。2012年全年松香及其制品出口量和出口额分别减少20.0%和46.7%,而12月却出现逆势 上扬,当月出口3.0万吨,金额0.6亿美元,分别增长36.5%和28.9%。

??It is worth mentioning in particular,The export of traditional"main"Product is man-made board performance is weak,Fiber board in December 2012 exports and exports decreased by 23.3% and 14.9% respectively.But wood imports in December Quantity and imports have rebounded sharply,Growth of 88.5% and 88.5% respectively.Rosin and its products in the whole year of 2012 exports and exports decreased by 20.0% and 46.7% respectively,And in December a contrarian rose,Monthly exports of 30000 tons,Amount of $060 million,Growth of 36.5% and 36.5% respectively.


??The United States of plywood in China"Double inverse"The investigation is still underway in stress,Must be alert to,In South Korea/Argentina and other countries and regions have begun to follow,Are man-made board product set similar trade barriers to our country.In 2013,,Chinese forest products international market or will face more severe challenges.
