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On February 26,,Chinese automobile circulation association released in January 2013"Car dealer inventory survey results".In January 2013,More than 1.9 million domestic car production,Sold more than 2 million units,Record highs.Passenger car sales rose nearly 50% in January,Monthly sales of more than 1.7 million vehicles for the first time.According to the survey,1 month dealers integrated storage coefficient is 1.10,Than 0.97 rose slightly last month;1.49 compared with the same period last year,Is decreased obviously.
January import brand storage coefficient is 1.73,Down from last month,But still higher than the warning line;Joint venture brands/Independent brand inventory coefficient slightly rebounded,But continue to maintain in a reasonable range;On January 1 brands high inventory quantity from last month to infiniti/acura/Zhengzhou nissan three;1 month inventory coefficient is the highest for infiniti brand,Inventory coefficient of 6.7,2.28 higher than last month.
Enter since January,Run steady economic growth,Auto industry a brisk trade.According to the national bureau of statistics data,In the fourth quarter of 2012 business climate index is 124.4,1.6 higher than in the third quarter.According to the local tax collection data,Signs of obvious market:Wuhan collection of vehicle purchase tax 303 million yuan 1 month,More than 20000 vehicles,More than 50% year-on-year growth;Taiyuan city levy a tax on vehicle purchase tax revenue was 210 million yuan in January,Collection of 16400 vehicles,Year-on-year increase of 5420 vehicles a year,Growth of 49.34%;Hefei vehicle purchase tax amount exceeding RMB 200 million in January,Reach 200 million yuan,An increase of 75.06%,As hefei one-month highs since the vehicle purchase tax collection and administration,From the tax vehicle number,Jan. 16753 new vehicles,An increase of 80.78%.
Feb. Affected by the lunar New Year holiday,Working days in significantly less than normal.Combined with the first auto focus,February sales from may decline substantially,Due to large storage base,The future of inventory risk,2 month inventory coefficient is expected to continue to rise.Manufacturer and distributor shall pay close attention to market demand trends,Arrange production plan,Pay attention to maintain a healthy inventory status,Avoid post-holiday stocks rebounded sharply.
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