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In march,The us food and drug administration (fda)(The Fda)Send out seven consecutive announcement,According to black valley powder made in China/Dry platycodon grandiflorum and ground GuaGan recalled products,Because the product did not indicate on the package contain allergens(Such as sulfites,),Sensitive people after eating might produce allergic, adverse reactions and even endanger life.
食品过敏是人们对食品产生的一种变态反应.在临床上表现为荨麻疹、哮喘、腹痛和腹泻等多种症状,严重的可导致休克。目前,食品过敏已成为世界卫生组织WHO和联合国粮农组织FAO注的重大卫生学问题。在食品工业日益发达,食品的加工过程和成分日益复杂的今天,消费者越来越依靠正确的食品标签来选择安全的产品。如美国FDA规定,凡食品中含有亚硫酸盐超过10mg/kg,必须在食品标签上贴上注明本食品有亚硫酸盐;根据欧盟指令2003/89/EC,欧盟要求所有亚硫酸盐含量大于10mg/kg或10mg/L的食品自 2005年11月25日起在成员国销售应实施标签声明制度。
Food allergy is a kind of people to food allergy. The clinical symptom of urticaria/asthma/A variety of symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea,Severe can lead to shock.At present,Food allergy has become the world health organization the WHO and the UN food and agriculture organization (FAO) the FAO on major health problems.In the food industry is becoming more and more developed,Food processing and composition of increasingly complex today,Consumers increasingly rely on the correct labels to choose security products.Such as the United States The Fda regulations,All foods contain sulfites more than 10 mg/kg,Must be marked on food labels with this food with sulfite;According to eu directive 2003/89 / EC,The eu requires all sulfite content greater than 10 mg/kg or food from 10 mg/L On November 25, 2005 sales label declaration system should be implemented in member states.
In recent years,Developed countries more and more strict with food labels,Food labelling has become an important means to set up technical barriers to international trade.Whether the allergen information clearly has become an important symbol of the determine whether food labelling specifications.Some international organizations have developed about the express allergic ingredients in the food label laws and regulations and standards.Such as the United States in[The 2004 food allergens and consumer protection laws and regulations]Specified in the,In addition to the part of a specific food,All sales of packaged food in the United States,Must comply with relevant food allergen labeling requirements.For foods that contain allergens not statement,The The Fda requires a recall.The eu directive 2003/89 / EC regulations,All components to cause an allergic or adverse reactions must be identified.As of December 23, 2008,Does not conform to the stipulations of the identity of the food have banned in the eu market sales.In addition,Canada/Japan/Australia/In New Zealand/South Korea and other countries have also been introduced clearly in definite regulations on food labels the presence of the allergen information.
According to incomplete statistics,In 2012 the United States/The European Union/Canada/Australia for allergens are not marked the recalled food more than 50,Including Chinese food,Such as the United States recalled chinese-made tremella rez allergens and potato chips, etc.In food by the recall,Has not been marked allergens mainly peanut/milk/sulfites/Such as wheat.
To do this,Inspection and quarantine departments to remind relevant export enterprises shall attach highly importance to the problem of allergy labeled:One is the good production off,Clear whether production raw materials and condiments such as auxiliary materials contain allergens,And raw materials formula with the customer for confirmation,Confirm no allergen export products production line should do well in isolation,In order to avoid contamination;2 it is to good internal control,Strictly control the allergens in the raw materials fresh/Production and processing link using reasonable norms,Strengthen the product testing,Ensure product allergen content meets the standard;3 it is the good information sign off,Earnestly study and strictly carry out in the importing countries about food allergen labeling rules,Ming do information,Mark clearly.
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