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U.S. President barack Obama said yesterday,By 2020,It can be a net exporter of natural gas in the United States.The media pointed out that,This is one of the most strong signal,Showed Obama's support to expand overseas energy sales,The Obama administration signaled support building more facilities to exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG).
It is understood,In recent years,Thanks to the shale gas development technology revolution,The U.S. natural gas drilling boom/A surge in production,Natural gas prices remain low for a long time.As early as December last year,The U.S. department of energy (doe) subordinates according to the energy information administration has issued a report forecasting,America will be major changes in energy consumption structure,The produced energy over the next few years/Rising proportion of new energy use,Energy imports,And will become a net exporter of natural gas in 2020.
According to the U.S. energy information administration report released late last month,In the past twenty years,Natural gas has become an important power instead of coal in the United States,Especially after 2009,Because of the low natural gas prices and its clean environmental protection advantages,With natural gas power generation plant.And given the relatively small now natural gas exports/The U.S. natural gas prices lower than the fact that the international market,Natural gas producers in the United States are looking for new markets.In February,On behalf of the United States more than 500 oil and gas companies of the United States petroleum association called for the doe approved gas exports,From 2015 to 2035 is expected,Natural gas exports to the United States economic growth contribution of $700 billion,And for the United States to create 213000 jobs per year.But the United States chemical industry and downstream departments against gas exports,Think it will weaken its energy cost advantage.
Now,,The U.S. government is also considering whether to let go of restrict the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG),Some officials also argue that if limit domestic exports will affect the image of U.S. support for free trade.The recent,From, including Mr Obama, America's official statement,It is not difficult to find that the United States is thinking seriously about its energy policy.Obama has said:"I must want to exporting liquefied natural gas in China is a comprehensive administrative decision,But I can assure you,Once I make this decision,Then consider how to make use of a decision that we reduce the cost of the western hemisphere and Central America,Will be on my agenda."The media pointed out that,The White House is the soaring gas production as a new elements of national security policy,And use of energy as a diplomatic means and gambling chips.It is understood,The U.S. department of energy (doe) is currently reviewing a number of new construction of liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal application,May be approved within a few months in Texas a project.If the new export application is approved,Is the second to allow partners to sell gas to trade agreement.
The U.S. energy information administration estimates,In 2018 years ago,Due to production increased substantially,U.S. natural gas prices will remain below the $4 per million British thermal units;2018 years later,With the increasing demand,Natural gas will gradually replace other high energy,Prices will gradually go up.The congress of the United States institute of previously expected,If exports have risen sharply,Will bring upward pressure to prices,But can lead to large price increases is not clear.Institute also predicted the future U.S. natural gas producers to adjust after the integration of production capacity,Make the regional and global supply and demand is balanced.
The industry believes that there,To achieve large-scale exports of natural gas can not only make the balance of the trade balance/Drive the industrial recovery,But also at a low price or will overturn global energy markets/Even affect the global political and economic landscape.The White House national security adviser Tom donilon said at the end of April,Energy production to make America more have the ability to achieve international security,May also break the relationship between natural gas and the rise in oil prices,Traditional gas would reduce the supplier's control.According to American foreign policy think tank center for strategic and international studies energy expert Sarah pulled the tees is expected,The U.S. government would approve of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export,But the speed will slow.(Have a third)
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