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海关总署今天发布今年The first four months我国外贸情况.According to customs statistics,From January to April,China's import and export gross 8.36 trillion yuan(Us $1.33075 trillion),Compared to the deduction rate factors(The same below)Growth of 14%.Which exports 4.37 trillion yuan(Us $695.87 billion),Growth of 17.4%;Import is 3.99 trillion yuan RMB(Us $634.88 billion),Growth of 10.6%;Trade surplus of 383.46 billion RMB yuan(Us $60.99 billion).
海关统计显示,In April,,China's import and export gross 2.23 trillion yuan(Us $355.96 billion),Excluding currency factors,Growth of 15.7%.Which exports 1.17 trillion yuan(Us $187.06 billion),Growth of 14.7%;Import is 1.06 trillion yuan RMB(Us $168.9 billion),Growth of 16.8%;Trade surplus of 114.53 billion RMB yuan(Us $18.16 billion),Narrowed 1.7%.
一般贸易/Processing trade growth stable.The first four months,The general trade import and export $667.89 billion in our country,Growth of 8.2%.The exports of $322.36 billion,Growth of 15.1%;Imported us $345.53 billion,Growth of 2.5%.Under general trade deficit of $23.17 billion,Narrowed 59.4%.At the same time,China's processing trade import and export of us $435 billion,Growth of 5.4%.The exports of $273.64 billion,Growth of 2.9%;Imported us $161.36 billion,Growth of 9.9%.Under processing trade surplus of $112.28 billion,Narrowed 5.7%.
在与主要贸易伙伴双边贸易中,For the European Union/Japan's trade declined,To the United States/Asean trade growth and stability.According to customs statistics,The first four months,China-eu bilateral trade value is $168.16 billion,Dropped by 1.3%.Sino-us bilateral trade to $159.74 billion,Growth of 9.4%.The first four months,Mainland and Hong Kong bilateral trade to $150.59 billion,Growth of 66%.At the same time,I and the asean bilateral trade to $138.97 billion,Growth of 18.1%.Bilateral trade to $97.98 billion,Dropped by 8.5%.
海关统计显示,guangdong/Jiangsu total import and export accounts for 8 to 7 provinces and cities,The central and western regions export activity.The first four months,Guangdong import and export gross of $391.25 billion,Growth of 35.6%.At the same time,jiangsuand北京(Contains the central unit is in Beijing)进出口总值分别为1667.1亿and1400.3亿美元,分别增长1.3%and2.8%;Shanghai import and export of us $135.5 billion,Dropped by 1%.In addition,zhejiang/shandongand福建进出口总值分别为1016.3亿/819.3亿and542.1亿美元,Growth of 7.1%, respectively/7.8%and19.8%.Combined the seven provinces of China import and export value is about 80.5% of the total cost of the I in foreign trade.
从出口方面来看,The first four months,Guangdong exports at $221.09 billion,Growth of 31.1%.jiangsu/zhejiangand上海分别出口1000.1亿/731.5亿and642.1亿美元,Growth of 4.6%, respectively/12.1%and1.1%.At the same time,shandong/福建and北京分别出口401.1亿/339.7亿and195.8亿美元,Growth of 3.9%, respectively/24.5%and10.2%.In addition,The central and western regions export has maintained rapid growth,anhui/jiangxi/四川and重庆等省市的出口增速分别为79.8%/52.3%/34.2%and17.6%.
The first four months,Enterprises with foreign investment import and export of us $593.36 billion,Growth of 1.4%,Below the overall trade growth rate of 12.6%.At the same time,The private enterprises import and export of us $433.6 billion,Growth of 51.7%,Overall trade growth is 37.7% higher,About 32.6% of the total cost of the I in foreign trade.Among them,Exports of $278.07 billion,Growth of 51.4%,About 40% of the total cost of the export;Imported us $155.53 billion,Growth of 52.1%,About 24.5% of the total cost of the import.In addition,State-owned enterprises import and export of us $237.77 billion,Dropped by 3.1%.
在出口商品中,Mechanical and electrical products export growth faster,Traditional labor-intensive products export growth significantly.According to customs statistics,The first four months,The mechanical and electrical products export $407.37 billion in our country,Growth of 17.6%,About 58.5% of the total cost of the export.Among them,Electrical and electronic products exports of $187.3 billion,Growth of 33.6%;Machinery and equipment of $121.75 billion,Growth of 5.9%.At the same time,Garment exports at $47.94 billion,Growth of 20%;Textile $32.22 billion,Growth of 11.7%;Footwear at $14.94 billion,Growth of 20.5%;Furniture is $16.78 billion,Growth of 26.8%;Plastic products $10.2 billion,Growth of 31.2%;Bags of $8.19 billion,Growth of 29.7%;Toys for $2.84 billion,Growth of 3.5%;The seven categories of labor-intensive products totaled $133.11 billion,Growth of 19.6%,About 19.1% of the total cost of the export.In addition,Exported 300000 cars,A 18.9% increase in.
在进口商品中,部分能源and资源性产品进口量减少.The first four months,China imported 250 million tons of iron ore,A 3.9% increase in,Import prices to $133 a tonne,Down 4.3%;110 million tons of coal,A 25.6% increase in,Import prices $91.6 a tonne,Down 17.8%;92.05 million tons of crude oil,Reduced by 0.9%,Import prices $799.6 a tonne,Down 5.2%;15.47 million tons of soybeans,Reduced by 14.8%,Import prices $618.4 a tonne,Rose 15.6%.In addition,Mechanical and electrical products imported us $273.85 billion,Growth of 18.4%;Including import 313000 cars,Reduced by 20.2%,
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