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In recent days,The reporter learns from foshan, inspection and quarantine,In the first quarter of 2013,Inspection and quarantine bureau of foshan city jurisdiction(The following with)Brick of pottery and porcelain product exports to $266 million,Fell 16.90% year on year.
We have learned,Brick of pottery and porcelain in the first quarter of Brazil's exports in the top 10 countries/The United States/Australia/Mexico/Colombia/Canada/Saudi Arabia/In South Korea/Thailand and Singapore,Exports of $109 million,Accounted for 40.98% of total exports,In the first quarter of ceramic tile is the largest country in the export growth, the United States/Canada and Russia,Year-on-year growth of 41.07%, respectively/10.19% and 4.31%,In the first quarter is the largest country in the ceramic brick falling exports to India/Indonesia/Thailand, and Mexico,Exports fell by 43.31% respectively/42.43%/38.90% and 31.42%.
According to the export region of statistical analysis,In the first quarter of brick of pottery and porcelain export value of $12.05 million in the European Union,Fell 43.22% year on year;Asean export value of $31.79 million,Fell 19.95% year on year;Export value was $53.23 million in the Middle East,Fell 8.83% year on year;Export value of $53.15 million to South America,Fell 23.02% year on year.
Data reflects a decline in industry's foreign trade situation is not optimistic,And the demand of environment will inevitably increase the trade protection and trade friction.Because China is now one of brick of pottery and porcelain are mainly exported to countries around the world,Therefore became the primary targets of many countries trade protection.On September 6, 2011,Brazil's foreign trade commission announced,From now on to take a series of measures to restrict imports,In order to protect domestic industries,Major measures is to directly improve the 7 kinds of import tariffs on manufactured goods,Which contains the ceramic tile of tariffs to China increased from 15% to 35%.On September 17, 2011, established in the 27 eu countries,For part of the Chinese ceramic enterprises implement import tariffs of 26.3% ~ 36.5%,Other universal tax punitive tariffs of 69.7%.In addition to Thailand/Argentina and other countries also have on China's ceramic tile anti-dumping investigation is put forward.
除反倾销以外,很多国家不断出台的技术性贸易措施也是影响中国陶瓷砖出口的重要因素。2012年4月23日,哥伦比亚贸易工业和旅游部发布了编号为:G/TBT/N/COL/172的通报,发出了哥伦比亚进口或国内销售的陶瓷砖标签技术规范。2012年10月5日,泰国工业部工业建设厅发布了编号为:G/TBT/N/THA/407的通报,泰国工业标准协会(TISI)提出强制性陶瓷砖标准TIS 2508-2555(2012)等。
In addition to the anti-dumping,Many countries introduced gradually the technical trade measure is also the important factors that affect the export of Chinese brick of pottery and porcelain.On April 23, 2012,Trade industry and tourism issued Numbers for Colombia:G/TBT/N/COL / 172,Columbia import or domestic sales of brick of pottery and porcelain label specification.On October 5, 2012,Industry industrial construction department released its Numbers for Thailand:G/TBT/N/notified THA / 407,Thai industrial standards institute(TISI)Mandatory standards of brick of pottery and porcelain TIS is put forward 2508-2555(2012), etc..
面对严峻的外贸形势,为打破国外技术性贸易壁垒,促进中国陶瓷砖出口的外贸发展,佛山检验检疫局依托国家建筑卫生陶瓷检测重点实验室的人才优势、技术优势、设备优势以及信息优势,重点研究不断出台的国外技术性贸易措施,在获得国外认可、帮扶陶瓷企业以及促进出口等方面做了大量的工作,取得了明显的成效。佛山检验检疫局技术中心相关负责人表示,出口企业在检验认证流程、相关最新技术性贸易措施信息等方面可以直接电话咨询或者在佛山检验检疫局技术中心网站查询,网址为http://www.fsiqtc.com/,也可以关注新浪微博“@ 陶瓷与建材公共服务平台”进行互动交流
In the face of the severe situation of foreign trade,To break the foreign technical barriers to trade,To promote the export of Chinese brick of pottery and porcelain foreign trade development,Inspection and quarantine bureau of foshan city relying on national building sanitary ceramics examination key laboratory of talent advantage/Technology advantage/Equipment and information advantages,Key research constantly introduce foreign technical trade measures,In obtaining recognition abroad/Helping ceramic enterprises, and export promotion, etc to do a lot of work,Has achieved obvious results.Foshan the relevant person in charge of inspection and quarantine technology center said,Export enterprises in inspection certification process/Latest technical trade measures related information can be directly call or in foshan, inspection and quarantine technology center website,http://www.fsiqtc.com/,Also can focus on sina weibo"@ Ceramic and building materials public service platform"To interact
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