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In the face of surging to cross-border capital flows,Regulators have already begun to action.The state administration of foreign exchange 6, the latest release[Informed about inflows of foreign exchange management related issues],From strengthening the bank written guarantee comprehensive management positions/Because of the false trade/Strengthen management of foreign exchange verification inspection aspects of strict controls of foreign exchange inflows,Especially to prevent abnormal cross-border capital flows.
The central bank data showed,By the end of march this year,China full diameter foreign exchange balance about 27.068 trillion yuan,In the first quarter of new foreign exchange of 1.2 trillion yuan,Refresh the record.In the strengthening of the yuan appreciation expectations, as well as Europe and the United States, under the influence of quantitative easing,International hot money flows into domestic pressure is increased significantly.
the[notice]Although only 1000 words in full,But underscores the regulators from companies and Banks two ports to control cross-border capital inflows.
In the aspect of enterprises,Safe will strengthen the trade of goods import and export enterprise classification management of foreign exchange receipts and payments,Increase in abnormal or suspicious case companies for verification,And adjust the foreign exchange receipts and payments under entrepot trade policy.[notice]According to,Will in time for cash flow and goods flow serious don't match or inflow larger enterprise risk warning letter,To show a case within 10 working days.And if the enterprise did not give more details in a timely manner or not provide evidence and make a reasonable explanation,Will it as a class B,Strict supervision.
"Classification management means safe from total inspectors to pay more attention to the single verification of goods trade,To prevent abnormal capital inflow through trade channels."Quoted Chen bingcai, assistant director of the national school of administration decision-making consultation in acceptance[Economic information daily]Reporter in an interview.
In respect of bank,[notice]Request to strengthen written guarantee comprehensive management positions,Will Banks out comprehensive position limits and foreign exchange deposit/Loan ratio hook.The central bank[Financial institutions credit balance of foreign exchange]According to data,By the end of march,Domestic foreign exchange loan balance of $561.823 billion,Foreign exchange account balance of $441.565 billion,If the calculated on the data,The loan-to-deposit ratio of 127%,More than 75% or 100% of the reference.
International financial expert zhao qingming (microblogging) said,Under the background of the appreciation of the renminbi,Banks have to reduce the impulse of the foreign exchange positions and settlement of exchange into RMB.Statistics show that,The size of the central bank in February and march whole caliber foreign exchange foreign exchange were greater than financial institutions."This means that this two months financial institutions(Except the central bank)In a state of net foreign exchange settlement,Foreign exchange positions relative to its current month last month."Help said.He said,[notice]Can be understood as regulators require Banks to hold more foreign exchange positions,Let financial institutions share the bank's remittance and pressure,Also intended to rein in overheating growth of Banks of domestic foreign exchange loans.
In fact in the last year,Safe for Banks to written general position plus or minus range management,In the existing written guarantee comprehensive management on the basis of the positions in upper and lower limits,Will lower down to below zero."At present domestic Banks' foreign exchange ratio of most loan-to-deposit ratio is higher than the reference,So if you want to achieve[notice]Requirements in the formula,Most Banks that month written guarantee comprehensive positions must be positive."Quoted Chen bingcai, assistant director of the national school of administration decision-making consultation pointed out.He pointed out that,If the bank wants its foreign exchange positions lower limit is low,One way is to reduce the domestic foreign exchange loans,It also inhibited the transfer money from abroad to domestic Banks make loans,To control capital inflows.
China merchants bank analyst LiuDongLiang (microblogging) also said in an interview with the media,This is the first time the bank foreign exchange loan than a separate specification,Mainly to limit bank foreign exchange lending share,Aimed at this link from the bank to curb capital arbitrage.
In order to prevent hot money,[notice]Also point out that,Safe in the future to strengthen monitoring analysis and window guidance;The abnormal capital inflow clues,Actively carry out the inspection or examination;Carry trade case for using a false documents,Be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the law;In violation of foreign exchange regulations resulted in an illegal money flowing into bank/Companies such as main body,Should be in accordance with the law to give a fine/Stop operation related business/Responsibility shall be investigated for relevant personnel directly responsible and other penalties,And increase the intensity of public disclosure.
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