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Export tax rebate New Deal implementation for half a year time.but,Some of the processing trade enterprise and not for the implementation of the New Deal with joy.For the New Deal in"Adjust foreign trade enterprise processing repair/Repair raw material export tax rebate rules,Declaration of tax refund VAT invoice processing charge should include the amount of raw materials,According to the unity of export goods tax rebate rate"statement,That part of the engaged in the foreign trade export of people feel at a loss,Such as come from shandong's Mr. Su.
A new way to the question
Mr. Su from a specialized in textile processing export enterprise.recently,He wrote a letter the,Expressed after the implementation of the New Deal in the foreign trade export processing trade link in practical operation meet some difficulties,And to the New Deal of the question.
He said in the letter,His business company from July to now can't do export business,And is not without list,But the New Deal can't let him continue to conduct business.He said:"Foreign trade enterprise trade processing and former policies differ,His company business usually bought from ZhiBuChang after grey,To printing and dyeing mill do dyeing processing,Dyed all kinds of cloth for export.But the New Deal is to he will be sold to the raw material processing enterprises,Processing enterprises to open a full invoice to entrust enterprise,He thinks that export tax refund formalities trival not only than before,And existence rationality."
Mr. Su think,The original export operation process reasonable smoothly,Entrust enterprise from grey cloth factory buy cloth,The fabric pull to printing and dyeing mill do dyeing processing,The cloth dyed export.But now he felt"Very could",He sent the journalist for example:"I'm from textile mill buy 100000 meters grey cloth,The unit price is 5 yuan/meters,A total of 500000 yuan,After signing the contract the payment for goods import textile mill,Textile mill give me draw 500000 yuan bill of value added tax.Then I and printing and dyeing mill sign a contract,Printing and dyeing processing charge is 0.5 yuan/meters,I have 50000 yuan into B printing and dyeing mill,Then printing and dyeing mill give me draw 50000 yuan of printing and dyeing processing charge invoice.I will be processed 100000 meters of cloth after export,Take 500000 + 50000 550000 yuan of invoice to the country to declare tax reimbursement for export.And now if the New Deal,I must from grey cloth factory bought 500000 yuan payment invoice on printing and dyeing mill,Printing and dyeing mill give me open 550000 yuan YinRanBu invoice.Such a sell a of the buying process,Is the virtual go a process,Process is also not smooth before.
Experts read new tax refund method
According to reporter understanding,Prior to the implementation of the New Deal,Foreign trade enterprise is raw material with special VAT invoices and the processing enterprise issue of processing fees invoice calculation drawback.The state taxation department person in charge said:"After the implementation of the New Deal,Mr. Su enterprise is equivalent to the seller,Processing enterprise after finishing Mr Su need to reverse buy back,Also is a sell a buy,And is not virtual increase income.More than just the buying and selling such a process,Because he also buyback cost calculation,,so,Fundamentally will not affect enterprise profits."
Beijing university school of economics and commerce professor liu to reporter to do the analysis:"Raw materials sold to the processing plant,Open full invoice,Foreign trade enterprises to buy back time also open full invoice,Calculation exports drawback is according to processing factory invoice multiplied by the tax rate,Is actually tax refund may be much more than before.After the new policies,Before a tax invoice process many a link,Such a change,Is mainly export tax rebate algorithm change,Lead to business process change,Actually the algorithm of drawback than previously policy is the more simple,In terms of export enterprise more advantageous."
For example:A factory is foreign trade enterprise,B factory is processing enterprises;A and B before doing business there are two kinds of methods:One is A purchasing finished semi-finished products by B after processing,B give A open process cost invoice;The second is A and B does not directly contact,Let A supplier entrusted B after processing sell it to A;Before the drawback is calculated according to two pieces of invoice,One of them is the semi-finished products × rebate rate,One is the process cost × rebate rate;After processing the finished product price = semi-finished products + processing charges,Used to be calculated separately,And rebate rate is not consistent;After the implementation of the New Deal,Drawback is directly according to the processed product invoice × tax rate,Is merged into one.Due to the finished product rebate rate often higher than semi-finished products or raw material,So drawback will be more.
So real operation enterprise
Mr. Su mentioned,In the actual business in development,For the demand of customer orders,Choose from the manufacturers supply to printing and dyeing mill processing,All the prices are confidential,Only in this way is the market,Is the competition.But processing enterprise if the raw material invoice on processing enterprises,This price transparency,It will disturb the market order.
He explained that,In shandong/Hebei etc,If a printing and dyeing mill processing capacity is 1 million m/month,Processing cost is 0.5 yuan/m ~ 2 yuan/meters,Then the top open face value is 2 million yuan/month,If the cloth invoice on printing and dyeing mill,Printing and dyeing mill open full invoice to foreign trade companies,So a month a printing and dyeing mill might leave millions or even more invoice,So printing and dyeing mill don't open full product invoice.
"Somebody else just processing,With what let people development ticket?The family also don't accept grey cloth votes ah.In addition,With what let entrust enterprise open does not exist sales invoice,500000 yuan buy cloth,500000 yuan to sell out,This flat to flat go just doesn't add up.But if a foreign trade company is through the printing and dyeing mill procurement of grey cloth,Printing and dyeing mill can open a full invoice,But this kind of situation a few."Mr. Su said.
In the export tax rebate on the relevant provisions,Mr. Su hope to adjust measures to local conditions,Not one size fits all,Rational allocation of resources by the market.
News from zhejiang tongxiang several printing and dyeing enterprise to know,They to drawback is not familiar with the New Deal,Still in thought entrust enterprise open pure processing charge invoice business way.
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