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  作为全球第一和第二大经济体,美中之间既有合作需求,也有竞争现实。在美国有一种看法是,美国企业在中国并不总能实现他们的目标,而中国企业在美国市场也有相似的经历。如何看待中美之间的贸易摩擦?中国企业如何投资美国?日前,记者采访了3位美国前议员邦克(Don Bonker,曾任职于美国众议院外事委员会及国际经济政策和贸易委员会)、瑞格尔(Don Riegle,曾任美国参议院银行委员会主席)、维纳(Jonathan Winer,克林顿政府时期任美国国务院负责国际法执行事宜的高级官员),分享他们对这些问题的看法。

As the world's first and second largest economy,The cooperation between both demand,It has competition reality.In the United States have a kind of view is,The enterprises in China are not always can achieve their goals,But Chinese enterprise in the American market also has the similar experience.How to treat the trade friction between China and the United States?Chinese enterprises how to invest in the United States?a,The reporter interviewed three former U.S. senator bunker(don Bonker,Who have served in the United States house of representatives of the foreign affairs committee and international economic policy and trade commission)/reger(don Riegle,Served on the senate banking committee chairman)/wiener(Jonathan Winer,The Clinton administration period as the state department is responsible for the implementation of the international law for senior officials),Share their views on these issues.


The enterprise's opportunity


"The future of both countries will take economic development as the focus of policy,So the relations between the two countries will be the focus of the economic benefits of a win-win situation."In reger looks,The two leaders of the enterprise for it is an important opportunity."I think that China and the United States leadership must sit down and exchange their challenge,In this way we can promote the economic cooperation,Is beneficial to the economic development of both sides."


Once served as the deputy assistant secretary of state of the wiener is Shared his observation:"Chinese enterprise's technical level is no longer limited to consumer goods,In the basic facilities and engineering construction field and have high technical level.In the accumulation of enough assets/After the experience and technology,China must go out.If you can't put these precious wealth for the world to share,On both sides, is a kind of waste."


Bunker more directly tell the demand from the United States:"At present one of the major problems facing the United States is a country of huge amounts of debt,But Wall Street in fact did not play effective investment and financing function,Many American industry, especially in the field of renewable energy development very need money.So the meaning of foreign investment is not only to reduce the debt crisis of the United States,More important is to stimulate the development of the American economy,China is the United States foreign investment for one of the major countries."


Huawei, zte of cold water


Although both sides have urgent demand,But Chinese enterprise was even for this enthusiasm poured cold water.


October 8,Experience for months after investigation,The United States house intelligence committee report said,Huawei and zte may threaten the communication security.


Before this,China's pv industry/plate/Seamless steel pipe by the United States without exception, double reverse survey,Chinese enterprises to the road full of twists and turns,This and in Japan/Brazil and other countries experiences are completely opposite.


"China and the United States for some special strategic industries will be special attention,The specific performance should set up the related government department of the industry investment screening."Reger from strategic level to explain this phenomenon:"High-tech field is a field to be defined,For the field operation and supervision,Such as to ensure the safety of the global supply chain communication field problems,Many countries have not reached an agreement,Also need the cooperation between countries to each other."


Of course the stakeholders has a consideration,"Many local government wants to attract foreign investment,But may have some local enterprise does not wish to see foreign enterprise to join the market competition,At the same time, some local or Washington politicians of all kinds of purpose will object from China's investment."Wiener said.


To prepare before


but,Three senior members of relations between China and the United States, especially economic and trade ties into the benign development with confidence."China and the United States has in many areas established a cooperative relationship,The future of these areas will become more complicated issues."Wiener said.


This does not mean that Chinese enterprises in the United States before the market up step back,And should make full preparation."China's current investment strategy should not be buying American bonds,And should consider more complex investment."Wiener emphasize,Chinese enterprises need to first-class lawyer and accounting firm,Complete a series of complicated legal process and evaluate the final income.At the same time,"They also must fully understand/Research enterprise in the market environment,To obtain complete information,Make the right decision."


"Many American enterprise by imports from China and the threat of investment,For the purpose of holding,They had to lobbying,This, to a certain extent, make the United States trade law to China produced adverse effect."Bunker Suggestions,"Chinese enterprises should not be passive bear,But should take the initiative to respond to the way,Large consulting company can help these enterprises make corresponding strategy."
