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Reporter: ChenJian maybe XiaoQing XuXueYi
Taiwan-funded precious cheung dental clinic opened in Shanghai at the end of 2012,The chairman WangJunWen very optimistic for the future:Service trade agreement between the two sides should soon can sign,Market is opening wider to the outside world will bring us new business opportunities.Outlook 2013, cross-strait economic and trade relations,Many in the field of open/Progress to let people have a reason.Early harvest to push the trade in the New Year first day,
Taiwan-funded precious cheung dental clinic opened in Shanghai at the end of 2012,The chairman WangJunWen very optimistic for the future:"Service trade agreement between the two sides should soon can sign,Market is opening wider to the outside world will bring us new business opportunities."
Outlook 2013, cross-strait economic and trade relations,Many in the field of open/Progress to let people have a reason.
Early gains to trade
The first day of New Year,Cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement(ECFA)Early harvest trade in goods start stage 3 lower taxes.So far,As early as the planning of 806 all duty-free goods on both sides of the Taiwan straits.
As early as the plan for two years,Taiwan on cross-strait economic especially has played a positive role in promoting economic development.10 months of 2012 years ago,China imported from Taiwan and Taiwan imports from the mainland to enjoy ECFA preferential tariff goods amount to $6.85 billion and 1.2 billion, respectively,Year-on-year growth of 98.2% and 39.8%.
open"Free trade era"
Trade in services and trade in goods,Is the ECFA follow-up consultation of two important issues.Among them,Service trade negotiation is now in the final stages,Both parties agree on most of the terms and conditions,Is expected to be completed in this year,Timely by two meetings between the two sides signed the agreement.Goods trade agreement through consultation,Also is expected to bear fruit this year.
The two agreement,Will be after the insurance agreement signed between the two sides in the ECFA follow-up negotiations in the new progress.As Taiwan"The central daily news"Pointed out that the,It will be"On behalf of truly entered the era of free trade on both sides","More on behalf of the cross-strait economic and trade relations entered a turning point".
Monetary settlement brought convenient
In August 2012,Monetary management agency to sign on both sides of the Taiwan straits[Cross-strait monetary cooperation memorandum of liquidation],Agree to establish monetary settlement mechanism on both sides of the Taiwan straits.
In 2013,,Monetary settlement business on both sides of the Taiwan straits will be officially.This will to achieve cross-strait trade and investment to use local currency settlement to unblock,Helps reduce the people on both sides of the straits and enterprise in the remittance/The trading and settlement of the respect such as trade and investment cost,Reduce the risk of exchange rate,Provide convenience for cross-strait economic and trade exchanges.
Institutional framework
Communication and cooperation set up and perfect the mechanism,In a new economic and trade relations will have a positive impact on both sides of the Taiwan straits,To help both sides in the institutional environment deepen the level of interaction,To optimize resources on both sides of the Taiwan straits,The industry cooperation for center of gravity,To realize the upgrade of cross-strait economic relations.Taiwan[Economic daily]Comment is pointed out that at the end of 2012:"Looking forward to next year,Economic and trade exchanges between the two sides have been established in the institutional framework,Expect will continue to grow."
Promote the mainland to Taiwan
In 2012,,Taiwan to the mainland capital new open manufacturing 115/23 23 service industry and public construction.To that end of October,The continent approval to Taiwan investment enterprises/Project 133,Investment amount of 722 million dollars,Compared to some time ago have a substantial increase.
Ma ying-jeou said,The overall review of the/correction"Relationship between the people on both sides of Taiwan strait",To the mainland to Taiwan"The individual".this,Xiamen university, Taiwan institute of economic research institute TangYongGong said,Before the mainland to Taiwan as expected,Mainly because Taiwan side still have unreasonable restrictions.Things will improve in 2013,Key stand if you are able to make substantial adjustments,Create a better environment and conditions to attract mainland.
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