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In these days of davos world economic BBS annual meeting,Some of the country's leaders/Financial tycoon have accused Mr Abe's government financial monetary policy,Think Japan"Will make money war".Japan's quantitative easing policy really can make world currency war?
There's an old Chinese saying,"To intensive use fierce medicine".For the Japanese economy for twenty years of decline it,Mr Abe $200 billion the size of the quantitative easing policy is far from enough"Fierce medicine"degree.After Japan's former government investment of $800 billion has been mostly run out,Neither to save the Japanese economy back to life effect,Also not seen on the world financial enormous impact,It is the Japanese economy influence to the world is weak.By the limitations of small thinking,Japan on economic policy is at home,Often take a little bit of input method.this"Topping-up tactics"To the Japanese economy have a limited role,How will lead to world currency war??
conversely,In recent years,With the dollar devaluation of large-scale features of the international financial turmoil in the currency markets is mainly composed of America's quantitative easing policy cause.The United States has start four-wheel quantitative easing policy,So far no one know the United States this large-scale quantitative easing policy and when it ends,QE3 only/The total size QE4 in more than $1 trillion,About was The Times cabinet quantitative easing policy 5 times.The European Union is not idle,Also in the end of 2011 and 2012,Two points to the markets with more than 1 trillion euros,Try to get rid of the debt crisis,But no good result.
so,Cause the world print chao series is the United States and the European Union,Japan is at best a follow up person.In the world now is some people want to put the responsibility on to Japan,Is in the cover up their own lead to international financial money market turbulence responsibility,Also may be in for his country/Or the region to carry out more large-scale quantitative easing excuses.This is what we need to be vigilant and guard,Don't put the view on the Japanese body.
From another perspective in,Quantitative easing is not so terrible,It is in the financial crunch/Economic development under the condition of weak with trepidation.otherwise,The economy into a tight circle,Enterprise without money,Consumer does not have the money to buy,How can consumption,To promote economic growth and welfare?We can't because other countries make quantitative easing policy is conjecture world will break out"Currency war",Should be case by case,Think about the Japanese financial measures to our impact,Rather than listen to the language of amazing.
So far,The yen large-scale devaluation might impact China's export to Japan,Hysteresis China lose, the progress of the products,The low value added products may influence is particularly obvious.At the same time,The weak yen may promote Japan some products in China market share and enhance the recovery,Increase in the overseas Chinese products with competitive strength,Occupy China's overseas markets.In the past more than product is dependent on the price advantage product competition with Japan,The next 10 years the situation it is difficult to change,Now, Japan began to use the monetary means impact China's product price advantage,Is likely to bring a new crisis.Currency war far too unrealistic,We should be a good idea how to play the goods overseas competitiveness of the war.
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