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In 2012, global trade growth will not equal to the first half of the average twenty years,Trade volume changes below the pace of global economic growth,Global trade faced downside risks...According to the Chinese academy of world economic review preliminary estimates,In 2012, world trade in goods growth will remain only between 2.5% ~ 3.0%,And in 2013 the global trade will with 4% ~ 4.5% growth development.
This research analyzed from four aspects of global trade growth slow further reasons.The first,International shipping index change.Through the research of the international shipping market situation to judge,The international shipping market situation and can through the Baltic dry bulk comprehensive freight index(BDI)And the international container index are used for analysis.Can be seen from the BDI index,Since the end of 2011 the index will appear a substantial decline.Since 2012,No significant picks up.In addition,International container index from July 2011 to nearly 792 points,Slide to December 2011 nearly 499 points,To shock to June 2012 502 points.Can be judged,Reflect the global trade flow of international transport market container freight index trend,Is showing the trend of international trade growth.
The second,Primary product price is still in a relatively high.Since since the international financial crisis,Global primary products price index gradually return to a higher level,Especially since the end of 2011 has been maintained at high.Despite the increase in the price of commodities will also increase the global nominal income,But the trade product price effect of conduction speed faster than income effect,And the price effect of conduction strength is stronger than income effect.In fact,Higher primary products prices will weaken the consumers' purchasing power,Against the consumer market, active development.so,Higher primary product price through the improve export price index,Reduce the developing countries export international competitiveness,On global trade promotion adverse.
The third,Global demand atrophy leads to slowing production expansion.The global economic slowdown in demand atrophy of global trade form great pressure.The primary products prices pushed up the cost of production,Reflect production expansion of purchasing managers index(PMI)Since the downturn trend for months.In April 2012,Global integrated PMI index dropped to 52.3%,Then June to August respectively is 50.3%/51.7% and 51.1%.the,Manufacturing PMI index is from June has dropped to below 50%,August slipped to 48.1%;Services PMI index is maintained at 52% up and down,But more than 55% of the year level,Has plunged.the,Emerging economies' situation is not optimistic,European countries in the debt crisis,To trade goods demand fell sharply,Hindered the exporting countries production expansion.The above statement,Global production situation is worrying,External demand serious weakness,It also reflects the trend of global trade of dim prospects.
The fourth,Trade friction deepening become a stumbling block to trade growth.Since the international financial crisis,Trading protectionism raises head again.Historical experience shows that,Economic weakness the longer it goes on,The easier it is to breed trade protectionism,But it is difficult to accurately measure the trade flow how much impact.Do harm to a neighbour's trade policy after 2009 is spreads trend,To raise tariffs/Export restrictions and unjust supervision adjustment, the increase of protectionist measures far more than expected.This one phase of the trade measures of present some new characteristics:Power increased trade measures;The tariff measures non-tariff measures to change;Protective measures, such as long-term.External demand to promote economic recovery
WTO on September 22, 2012 issued[Global trade risk analysis report]that,In 2013, the global trade growth before the expected 5.6% down to 4.5%,the,Developed economies export growth can reach 3.3%,Emerging economies' exports growth can reach 5.7%.The WTO prediction is based on the following two points:One is the European a series of measures to avoid the euro area's division;The second is the United States government achieve stable public finance agreement and in early 2013 in order to avoid the automatic and tax increases.Due to the 2012 global trade growth lower base,Global trade is expected to 2013 with 4% ~ 4.5% growth development.
Ever pay attention to emerging economies to developed economies export,At present,Emerging economies between the growing external demand,This is to promote trade growth is one of the new engine.Between emerging economies are in manufacturing or energy field in large external demand,Should ensure that the ZengChangYuan.In addition,Some of the debt crisis from the bitter developed economies should be aimed at export market of emerging economies,Because of the short term the euro zone ChongZhaiGuo difficult to recover from,External demand is also difficult to have success.so,Whether emerging economies have also been developed economies,Must continuously seek trade ZengChangYuan,External demand to promote global economic recovery further.
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