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European Union trade commissioner dracula hutt 5, fly to Washington and the United States trade representative kirk talks.One of the focal points of this meeting,Is finalized on Europe and the United States launched since the trade negotiation combined assessment report.From the recent series of speech to see,Brewing 10 years across the Atlantic free trade area is to move towards the reality. 

  德古赫特近日接受路透社专访时表示,欧美目前正就双边自由贸易协定(FT A )谈判做最后的准备,他2月访美时将与美方就一些细节展开讨论。《欧洲之声》报道说,欧盟领导人很可能在2月7日至8日美欧首脑会晤期间宣布启动自贸区谈判;2月12日美国总统奥巴马在做国情咨文时有可能高调论及跨大西洋自贸协议。

Dracula hutt recently accepted an interview with Reuters said,Europe and the United States are at present bilateral free trade agreement(ft A )Negotiating the final preparations,He 2 month during his visit to usa.in the United States and some detail discussions.[The sound of the European]Reports say,The leaders of the European Union is likely in the February 7 to 8 summit in the us and Europe announced during startup free trade negotiation;February 12 President Obama doing state of the union message when it high-profile deals with trans-atlantic trade agreement since.


British[Financial times]Reports say,The United States and the European Union has to promote the negotiation widely talks,From simple tariffs propulsion to more complicated internal supervision problem.The report is expected,The fastest announced next month start negotiation time.


It is understood,Europe and the United States the fta negotiations will focus on the following content expansion:As far as possible to cancel the transatlantic trade field to industrial and agricultural products all tariffs;Further open service market;Strengthen the public procurement/Policy areas of cooperation;In the competition/Trade facilitation/labor/Environment and intellectual property rights for the latest rules, etc.

  美国和欧盟占全球经济产出规模的一半,占全球贸易额近1/3。美国公司在欧盟的投资高达1.9万亿美元,欧盟企业在美国的投资也达1.6万亿美元。据欧委会测算,美国和欧盟若达成FT A协定,有望使欧洲经济产出一年增加650亿欧元,相当于欧盟G D P提高0.52%。

The United States and the European Union accounted for half of the global economic output scale,Accounts for about a third of global trade.The American company in the eu as much as $1.9 trillion,The European Union enterprise investment in the United States is $1.6 trillion.According to the European commission estimates,If the United States and the European Union to ft A agreement,Is expected to make a European economic output increase of 65 billion euros,Equivalent to the European Union G D P increased by 0.52%.

  早在20世纪90年代,美欧自贸区就成为热点议题。由于双方在规制等领域存在巨大分歧,特别是当时更期待成立世界贸易组织,这一构想暂被搁置 目前,多哈回合谈判停滞不前,欧盟和美国经济增长乏力,使得构建跨大西洋自由贸易区又有了现实需求。

In the early 1990 s,Us and European free trade will become hot issues.Because the two sides in the regulation etc exist great differences,Especially at that time was more looking forward to the world trade organization,The idea was temporarily suspended At present,The doha round of talks stalled,The European Union and the United States economic growth lack of power,Make building trans-atlantic free trade area and the real demand.


Have analyzed that,Although Europe and the United States both sides are actively promote the negotiations,But in order to complete the negotiation is not easy.Dracula hutt also said,The negotiations will be confronted with difficulties,Both sides clearly need to make compromise.


China's world trade organization research board standing director of HeWeiWen[Economic reference to]reporters,Europe and the United States free trade negotiation is in advance,But the specific details of the talks big difficulty.The European Union and the United States were the first in China/The second largest trading partner,Europe and the United States cafta construction will have great influence to our country.On the one hand,Free trade has internal open/The characteristics of foreign restrictions,Between the us and Europe to reduce barriers to trade at the same time,To outside the economy is a higher barriers,Will produce the effect of trade diversion,Such as China exports to the eu products face pressure,Exports to Europe faced the product pressure.On the other hand,Europe and the United States will be in the intellectual property rights/Labor standard for new rules, etc,This to want to enter the European and American market for Chinese enterprises will also be new"threshold".


Cass institute of world economics and politics at the international trade research director SongHong think,Europe and the United States open free trade negotiation,For China, a huge variable.Compared to reduce investment and trade,Most worrying of all,Developed economies accelerating free trade,Will include rules/System design, the global trade pattern far-reaching influence.And the United States and the European Union in the propaganda trans-atlantic free trade agreement is not the truth,This agreement will be formulated for much of the world economy trade rules,Also can give on China to abide by the rules of the pressure.

  “从美国方面来看,重点已经转移到双边和区域贸易合作。从跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(T PP),到现代版北美自由贸易协定,再到跨大西洋自由贸易协定,其战略布局清晰可见。”何伟文说,美国主导全球贸易规则和格局的意图明显,毫无疑问会给中国带来很大压力。

"From the United States to see,The emphasis has transferred to the bilateral and regional trade cooperation.From across the Pacific strategic economic partnership agreement(T PP),The modern version of the north American free trade agreement,To cross the Atlantic ocean free trade agreement,Its strategic layout clearly visible."He wei said,The leading global trade rules and the intention of the obvious pattern,There is no doubt that will bring China great pressure.

  中国国际经济交流中心秘书长魏建国日前在“中国商务竞争新优势新春报告会”上说,当前发达国家扩展FTA势头很猛。美国首先和韩国,然后和洪都拉斯,最近又准备和欧盟签订FTA。欧盟也在加紧和加拿大、日本谈FTA,而 韩 国 和 世 界 主 要 经 济 体 都 在 谈FTA。为此,中国也应加速推进自贸区谈判,可以同欧盟谈FTA,也可以同美国谈FTA。

China international economic communication center secretary general Mr Wei has in"Chinese New Year new business competition advantage report"said,The developed countries extended ftA momentum is very fierce.The United States and South Korea first,Then and Honduras,Recently the preparation and the European Union signed ftA.The eu is also tightening and Canada/Japan about ftA,and Korea countries and the boundary The Lord to the to body are in About ftA.therefore,China should also accelerating free trade negotiation,Can talk with the eu ftA,With the United States can also talk about ftA.

  何伟文则认为,中国现在还没到与欧盟和美国谈F T A的阶段,目前重点应放在改善投资环境,提高产品竞争力,增强与欧盟和美国双边贸易和投资往来,同时加快推进“10+3”(东盟十国与中日韩三国)和中日韩自贸区建设。

HeWeiWen argues that,China now hasn't arrived and the European Union and the United States about F T A stage,At present should focus on improve the investment environment,Enhance the competitiveness of their products,Enhanced with the European Union and the United States bilateral trade and investment relations,At the same time, accelerate the"10 + 3"(Asean countries and China, South Korea and Japan)And the republic of Korea cafta construction.


SongHong think,China should actively respond to the global free trade trend,On the one hand free to developed countries follow up study,On the other hand also want to make more clear free trade strategy and planning and accelerate the pace.


It is understood,China has and asean/Singapore/Pakistan/New Zealand/Chile/Peru/Costa rica sign and implementation of the fta,The China, Japan and South Korea free trade negotiation already in November of 2012 and will start in the first round of talks held earlier this year.
