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美欧“抱团”,全球贸易规则或更改 “自贸区”前景美妙,谈判艰难
Us and European"BaoTuan",Global trade rules or changes "Free trade"Wonderful prospect,Negotiations difficult
On February 13,,The European commission announced,The European Union and the United States has will start as soon as possible bilateral free trade agreement negotiators reached the agreement,The two sides will in the end of June this year to start negotiations before.Senior experts believe that the European Union,The United States and Europe that two of the world's most important economies brewing between"BaoTuan"The world's largest free trade was established,To global trade rules have an important impact on the formulation of.
President of the European commission, jose Manuel barroso, in 13, said at a news conference:This is called"The transatlantic trade and investment partnership"Since the trade agreement eventually if we come to,The world's largest free trade area will be born.According to the outline of the schedule,Free trade negotiation will be completed in two years.
The economy will speed by 1.5%
Obama President 12 in his state of the union address said,Official start and the eu's free trade negotiation,Not only will expand 27 eu countries and the United States on both sides of the Atlantic trade position,Also to the enterprise to expand export trade/To provide more opportunities to expand trade business.
Europe and the United States politics business rise a cold wave of optimism,Think that this "the negotiations to a breakthrough,Not only the economy on both sides of the Atlantic,Will also heal the rift in the European Union.Some supporters of free trade also want to free trade in improving the level of economic growth at the same time,American and European consumer prices lower,For long-term lack of vitality economic inject new vitality.
, jose Manuel barroso, said,Europe and the United States since the trade agreement will not only involves tariff cuts,More important is to eliminate non-tariff trade barriers,Let the European and American market be in harmony is an organic whole.The concrete measures include:Mutual opening of the banking industry/Government procurement,,Unified the food safety standards/Drug supervision the authentication/Patent application and the authentication/Manufacturing technology and safety standards/Regulations and the authentication,Investment facilitation, etc.
It is reported,The fta will both economic injection strong growth momentum., jose Manuel barroso, estimated,Agreement will take effect for the European Union to bring its gross domestic product is equivalent to 0.5% of the economic stimulus,Every year tens of billions of euros will increase the income and tens of thousands of jobs.
At present,From the economic dimension to see,The United States and the European Union is the world's two largest economies,The share of global economic output deodorants,Bilateral trade volume of about $3.8 trillion for a third of the total amount of global trade.American companies invest about $2 trillion in Europe,Is the investment in Asia 3 times.The eu enterprises in the investment of us $1.7 trillion,Is the China/India's two big emerging economies of the total investment amount of the eight times.
Sitting on 800 million population of the us and European free trade once completed,Will become the world's largest free trade area.Although the us and Europe at present between trade tariffs have been reduced to below 3%,But because the two sides trade base is considerable,Even small trade growth,Can also produce huge economic benefits.According to the European Union estimation,Since the American and European trade agreement can make Europe/American GDP growth in 2027 years ago were 0.5 and 0.4%,The equivalent of 86 billion euros and 65 billion euros.And the United States chamber of commerce is expected,The fta will let both sides economic speed by 1.5%.
The idea of free trade negotiation,has.Europe is put forward in the 1990 s"The transatlantic free trade area"idea,But still stay in the paper.so,Because the United States and European leaders had trade center of gravity,Have focused on"enlargement"on.The United States is seeking and Singapore/South Korea and other countries economic development faster a regional free trade,The European Union and Canada is committed to establish trade relations since.
now,Both the us and Europe hope out of the financial crisis and the shadow of the debt crisis,Through the establishment of free trade boost the weak economy,but,The specific implement words,Or contradictions,Before a long way.The European Union officials admit,The most developed in the world's two largest economies need to agree is not easy., jose Manuel barroso, said,Due to the negotiation involves two major economies market rules/Supervision compatible with each other,Free trade vision to realize it"Not easy to".
Actual situation is,Europe and the United States in the agricultural products market access/Open the financial industry on a very big differences.Both sides in the labor/environment/Public health/Safety standards and access to agricultural products, such as rules of debate is inevitable.A European economic experts say:"This will be the European Union and the United States both sides, for the first time in the negotiations to a compromise,Difficulty cans be imagined."
In Europe,How to coordinate the position of the 27 countries,Will give talks with uncertainty.The United States faces a similar dilemma.The eu wants the United States to open the financial industry/Traffic infrastructure construction, etc,But the industry in the United States mainly by the state regulation,Let fifty states in the industry and opening-up of the uniform,One can imagine the difficulty.
The United States at the peterson institute for international economics international trade policy senior researcher Jeffrey Scott said,The talks between the us and Europe,Is not a static game each other,Consider other developed countries and emerging economies factors.so,Unified industry standards and specifications,The us and Europe to it is almost impossible task.It seems,Can not reach"one"for"together",Is up just fine.
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