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On March 20, and 21,In Japan and South Korea free trade agreement negotiations preparatory meeting in Tokyo,Aimed at first negotiation meetings held in March and April this year.This is also a recent years,China alone again thrown to foreign news about progress in three free trade agreements.But about the negotiations preparatory meeting,China has no any news,The reporter noticed,Japan and South Korea free trade area in this topic in Japan and South Korea media almost couldn't find any related reports,Seems to be a hot in China!


Over the past 2012 years in China, South Korea and Japan in northeast Asia is not well:Between China and Japan around the islands territorial and maritime issues such as China and South Korea carried out several rounds of offensive and defensive in the realm of foreign affairs;The end,As the Democratic Party of Japan government came to power and to implement quantitative easing monetary policy,"The currency wars"Also has begun,South Korea and even is considered to be the upcoming international monetary crisis in the first piece of domino to fall.In 2013 after the Chinese lunar New Year,The Korean peninsula a nuclear test and added new variable for the economic and political situation in northeast Asia.

  近日,日本主流媒体关注的财经焦点是日本希望加入今年10月份启动的由美国主导的跨太平洋[0.00 0.00% 资金 研报]伙伴关系协议(TPP)谈判和本月已经启动的欧盟和美国之间的自由贸易区谈判。尤其是后者不仅将取消关税,而且将涵盖投资、政府采购、非关税壁垒、知识产权、环保与劳动、竞争政策、国营企业运营方式等新一代贸易规则的全部,极有可能成为高层次的事实上的国际规则。对于还没有摆脱百年来形成的“脱亚入欧”思维的日本来说,欧美主导的新国际贸易规则事关重大。

In recent days,Japan's mainstream media of finance and economics focus is Japan wants to join the launch in October of this year by the u.s.-led trans-pacific [0.00 0.00% money Research report] partnership agreement(The TPP)Negotiation and this month has been launched fta negotiations between the eu and the us.Especially the latter will not only remove tariffs,And will cover the investment/Government procurement/Non-tariff barriers/Intellectual property rights/Environmental protection and labor/Competition policy/State-owned enterprises operating mode, etc. All of a new generation of trade rules,Is likely to become a high level of international rules, in fact.For has not get rid of to form in one hundred"Take off the into Europe"Thinking of Japan,Europe and the United States dominated the new rules of international trade matters.


"Mr Abe is a nationalist,Is not fully considered pro-american route.At the same time should also see have very close economic ties between China and Japan,Both sides need each other".Japanese researcher at the institute of Japan, Dr Tian Yang interface is not pessimistic tone demonstrate the current sino-japanese political tensions over the impact on the economic relations between China and Japan.In 2012 China's domestic media reported for bilateral economic and trade relations much different,Japan's mainstream media have more than a cold treatment.Compared to the 2005 sino-japanese relations fallout,"A boycott of Japanese goods"Type of thinking and expression did not again caused a big stir in China,In 2005, in the round,Then Toyota's boss, Mr. Okuda said publicly,China's auto industry cannot leave the machine tool and parts of Japan,Do not worry about China boycott of Japanese goods.


In fact,,Japan and the United States and Germany is the world without many possessions"The upstream"material/Components and the only provider of production equipment and precision testing instruments.Unlike a japanese-style self-confidence,In between China and Japan"A sandwich"Type of the state of the south Korean mentality is rather complicated.With Chinese media and circulated on the Internet with samsung electronics to catch up with apple mythical achievements are different,South Korean media about industry competition from China is sensitive,Often is compared between China and South Korea's industrial competitiveness report,Every year even contrast in terms of export products of China's more than South Korea.Perhaps is the south Korean government is about to change,In last week's trade in Japan and South Korea free trade agreement negotiations preparatory meeting,South Korea's domestic media not to do any report,Instead, appeared[Samsung also straight cold sweat on the development of China]/[Main industry will be overtaken by China for five years?]Type of reporting and commentary.At the same time,The Hong Kong and Taiwan media also often appear as China and South Korea relationship play rough type of reports,On the one hand,South Korea made huge interest from the bilateral economic and trade cooperation,On the other hand, South Korea and strengthen the alliance with the United States in the field of security.


Famous industrial economists Bai Yimin told reporters:"Japan's confidence in for granted,Many industry's core technology is not catching up in one hundred and twenty.China in promoting the three FTA is also logical.but,South Korea the main topic of industry will be overtaken by China for five years in some water.China's haier and changhong will surpass samsung after five years,In fact now the gap is larger than two or three decades ago.I found through communication with South Korea's small and medium-sized enterprise groups,Although South Korea and Japan in terms of supporting the biggest chaebol have similarities,But South Korea's biggest chaebol and the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises relationship is not good,Is far from japan-style collaboration.South Korea's small and medium-sized enterprise innovation ability and the ecological environment and Japan,Thus South Korea's biggest chaebol can only rely on government subsidies for the core technology from abroad,Wasn't the Japanese consortium of industry organizer."


Some scholars pointed out,There is a in the history of international relations"The triangle"law,That is the strongest in the trilateral relations tend to be and the joint suppression of the weak the strong.Between China, Japan and South Korea"The romance of The Three Kingdoms"In 2013, believe that will be more wonderful!
