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China's polysilicon for Europe and Korea is expected to double the case after two sessions/As soon as the end of march the preliminary results,Market is sure to double the international large polysilicon plant in China after the verdict,Factory can turn a single effect,In fact,,The case affects global solar manufacturer's business model and development direction in the future,China to Europe and the United States, one size fits all,Although the eu the United States trade counter,But except for polycrystalline silicon solar energy industry in China, I'm afraid all hurt,Taiwan's manufacturers,In addition to the silicon factory on the case for optimism,Battery plant nerve,Did not dare to conclusions guarantee first.
With China vendors,If to punitive tariffs, polysilicon imported from Europe and America,How many are there in China always companies international polysilicon companies contract material sources in hand,Have to make the performance,Under the cost of polysilicon imports,Is bound to pressure increases,Domestic polysilicon prices need to raise,I am afraid crush a heap of silicon within China/Battery manufacturers cannot afford.
And if you want to pay China's domestic production of polysilicon plant material,At present Chinese polysilicon plant with gcl-poly is the largest,Other plants such as LDK/Jiangsu daqo group,Have been facing severe financial difficulties faced production or shut down last year,Not to mention other poly small factory almost have withdrawn from the market,Within the territory of China domestic polysilicon factory is not enough to meet global demand first nation in the production of solar energy.
As for Taiwan manufacturers,The most bullish on double reverse into their wafers of silicon factory price promotion benefits,In addition to this,In order to avoid the use of polysilicon by the rising costs of taxation,The Chinese solar energy always maker also plans to cooperate with overseas factory of silicon wafers,To Taipei to seek strategic alliances such as procurement of silicon,Taiwan's factory also will increase the purchasing requisition for domestic silicon wafers,So silicon factory is expected to benefit the most.
But on the other hand,Although battery plant can meet a lot of people are looking to turn single,But if the future silicon prices for polysilicon prices go up to the cost increase,Downstream module factory also less and less because the subsidy level there is no space can take on,Single cell is unlikely assertions will not be impacted.
Research institutions Solarbuzz also think,The ruling that the trade war in 2013 survey will have a significant impact on the solar industry.In addition to China's anti-dumping cases for the eu,The double reverse case is more significant to China,Because the case not only include the Chinese production of crystalline silicon,Also includes the production of crystalline silicon wafers and modules,To almost the Chinese production of wafers/Cell and module in the future to enter the eu lesson for the entire quantity to be punitive tariffs,To the eu in 2012 still occupies 6 into the above solar markets around the world to see,Impact will be quite significant,Will also affects the development of solar industry chain.
In order to prevent any possible of trade barriers,Many a wire manufacturers have begun to consider defensive acquisitions or cooperate with European makers in order to maintain the market's ability to enter,This is likely to be many small manufacturers in Europe to maintain survival.
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