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作者:The dormant YuMin


肆虐欧洲的债务危机与美国经济的疲软,Make big line in the western world, led by the United States, the new trade protectionism.China as an exporter,Restricted by the new trade protectionism frequently.Although the government and export companies themselves have taken certain measures,But the effect is not ideal.so,The new trade protectionism of various forms and characteristics,For the Chinese government has practical significance and the benign development of the enterprise.




新贸易保护主义理论来源主要是新贸易理论和地区经济主义新贸易保护论.In the field of research mainly through the description of the new trade barriers,Further analysis of its exporters/The impact of export enterprises,Finally to put forward the coping styles of export enterprises and exporters.In response to the several main agreement:The first,To strengthen international cooperation,To prevent the new trade protectionism;In the second,Improve the export enterprise their own quality,Change export structure;In the third,Give full play to the functions of the government,Improve the rapid response mechanism and so on.


新贸易保护主义的表现form多种多样,By use frequency is highest is the protection of intellectual property rights respectively/Technical measures/Green barriers/Blue barriers.


知识产权壁垒主要是指在保护知识产权的名义下,Contains items of intellectual property rights,Such as patent products/With a legitimate trademark products,And shall enjoy the copyright of books/The record/Computer software, and other import restrictions(Mainly related to the question on the parallel import);Or with its own intellectual property rights,Beyond intellectual property law the scope of the exclusive rights granted or limited monopoly,Not fair or reasonable exercise of intellectual property rights,implement"Unfair trade".It is not difficult to see the intellectual property investigation is mainly related to the high-tech products.For all kinds of imports from China have certain competitiveness or technical content of the goods,Western countries often take a series of intellectual property protection,About the implementation of measures such as abuse of TRIPS,Strict limits on parallel import/Without authorization rules, and so on.


技术壁垒是发达国家运用最为频繁的一项壁垒.Most are used,Mainly because of technical measures has the rationality/complexity/concealment/Flexibility etc..Developed countries often through strict/Complicated technical regulations and standards/Complex conformity assessment procedures/Strict packaging/Label method such as the rules to make technical barriers,To limit the export of Chinese products.


Green barriers又称Environmental barriers,Refers to the name of the safety to protect human health and the environment directly or indirectly to restrict or even prohibit trade laws/Regulations and policies.In the world,no"Green barriers"A proper noun,but"Environmental barriers".In fact,Green barriers真正成为一个流行的贸易壁垒是在二十世纪九十年代之after.A large number of developing countries to develop national economy,At the expense of the ecological environment.A large number of forests have been cut down,Automobile exhaust overweight,Garbage is not reasonable,Excessive emissions of carbon dioxide gas, and so on jointly contributed to the earth's ecological destruction.In addition to this,传统的资本主义国家在长期的工业化发展之after,Gradually awakening,The factory/Chemical industry a large number of transferred to developing countries is a catalyst of ecological destruction.In the backdrop of the global ecological crisis,Green barrier arises at the historic moment.


Blue barriers是打着保障劳动者劳动环境与生存环境旗号的新贸易壁垒.In the process of trade liberalization,The traditional tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers gradually be specification or cut,In this context,Blue barriers gradually become the emerging of new trade barriers and the mainstream.And blue barriers is one of the typical representative of economic priorities committee led by the United States,According to the[Convention on the international Labour organization]/[The United Nations convention on children's welfare]/[The universal declaration of human rights]SA8000 formulated by international standards.SA8000 standard to the enterprise made a very strict requirements:Shall not use or support the use of child labor;Shall not use or support the use of forced labor,Also shall not be required in employment starting pay of employees"The deposit"Or check credentials;Shall respect all workers right to freedom of association and collective bargaining;Anti-discrimination principle;Shall not engage in or support corporal punishment,Mental or physical coercion and verbal insults and so on.In recent years,Developed countries rely on their blue barriers set by sanctions against China's export enterprises,Export enterprises suffered great losses.


通过以上描述,The author thinks that the new trade protectionism has the following characteristics:To protect the legitimacy of the form and concealment;The diversity of protection;The emphasis of the protection to agriculture;Trade protection is the trend of regionalization.


打破新贸易保护主义重在Open up the domestic market


据世贸组织规定:When member states when being unfairly treated in the process of international trade,Can use its own set of quality standards or technical standards to regulate the imports.so,In some countries to protect jobs/Stable under the banner of the domestic economy implementation of new trade protectionism,Visible form of protection has legitimacy and concealment.


保护手段趋于多样化是新贸易保护主义与传统贸易保护主义最大的不同.Traditional trade barriers mainly refers to the tariff barriers,Which impose high import duties and a variety of import surcharge,To limit and stop imports of foreign goods.however,With the deepening of trade liberalization,Tariff barriers to the implementation of the scope of shrinking,Instead it is more targeted and a wide variety of new trade barriers,Such as intellectual property barriers/Technical measures/Green barriers/The blue barriers, etc..


发达国家普遍对其农业实施了新贸易保护政策.First of all,Agriculture is an important industrial relational international livelihood of the people,Agriculture (maintaining stability.The second,From the perspective of farmers to form,Due to its single is engaged in the work,Thought simple and unified,Agriculture out of the question is easy to rise to the political level.In the third,With the common development of the world economy and the improvement of people's quality of life,In developing countries, engel's coefficient declining,The international society for the protection of agriculture generally looser,This no doubt contributed to the protection of agriculture.For the protection of agriculture in the developed countries make international food prices fell sharply,For food production and export of developing countries has a huge influence.


新贸易保护主义正在向着区域化/The direction of collectivization.Regional economic integration refers to the group,Elements flow freely between member states,Implement free trade,Foreign build barriers to trade,In order to protect members' jobs/The market,Improve the overall competitiveness,Jointly cope with the external state of retaliation.The rapid development of regional economic integration,The new trade protectionism presents the trend of regionalization.


在世界经济不景气的情况下新贸易保护主义来势汹汹,To cause our country export enterprise and national no small impact.Because of this,The research can help the government of new trade protectionism/Companies more clear to grasp the causes of new trade protectionism/Characteristics of the/form,And the countermeasures.The author thinks that if can insist on expanding domestic demand policy in our country,To foster export enterprises,As far as possible out trade barriers for the enterprise,Encourage export enterprises to improve their core competitiveness,Speed up the construction of regional economic integration.At the same time,Improve the quality by themselves,Open up the domestic market,Chinese companies can break through the barrier of new trade protectionism.


(The author unit:Ningbo yangming university college)
