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Media reports say,According to people close to the national development and reform commission,According to the state council and on power transform function and reduce the administrative examination and approval requirements,Development and reform commission (NDRC) to cancel the coal business license.
The China securities journal reporter learns to proof to the relevant ministries and enterprises,The coal business license management may delegate,Local governments or will be introduced to relevant management measures.The coal trade enterprise personage to the China securities journal reporter said,License yearly check has been delayed this year.
The coal business license is the core of the coal production and trade enterprise certification,To determine whether enterprise is qualified to take part in coal marketing business.A coal trading enterprise in sichuan told, head of the China securities journal reporter,The coal business license is for yearly check every year,The usual and it will be completed in April,And this year the situation is still not yet received the inspection notice.
According to the[Coal operation regulation],The coal management qualification with a review/Hierarchical management,But coal trading certificate shall be uniformly printed by the national development and reform commission.In fact,National development and reform commission (NDRC) controls the amount of coal business entity qualification and the power of the quota assigned to the provinces.
According to people familiar with the matter,Coal business license cancellation may mean the quantitative management of coal business license cancellation,And devolution of coal business license management.The coal industry experts said,Coal business license system under the background of the marketization of the coal industry has been more and more inappropriate,Especially in the case of coal supplies led to the rent-seeking phenomenon is so widespread in coal market.We have learned,Around coal trading enterprises in recent years, the national development and reform commission to implement quota of total control and constantly compression,But in fact most province engaged in the management of coal enterprise quantity are more than the quota,So the coal business license price often is very high.
The whole coal industry downturn,Not only coal prices fell,Some coal big province coal investment also fall.The industry worry that permit cancellation will further lead to excessive competition in the market.Xiamen university, director of the center for energy economics research Lin Bojiang said in an interview with the media,Cancel the permit for the industry as a whole logistics will be a shock,But for the price is not particularly big impact.The coal industry analysts say,Cancel the coal business license for industry,Has no effect on more coal mining enterprises.
Coal traders are worried,The amount of cancellation of business license management will result in a short period of time a huge increase in number of companies engaged in coal trade,And rely on relationships with downstream customers in industry engaged in the business will be more and more.
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