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In the automobile market downturn overall state,Export become a rare bright spot,a,China's auto industry association released data show,In 2012,,China's automobile export broke through the millions of vehicles,A total of 1.056 million cars,Year-on-year growth of 29.7%.the,In Brazil/As a representative of Russia"nuggets"Countries become the focus of the export market.
Although data good,But the contrast in 2012, car production and sales of nearly 20 million the size of the car,The proportion of export still seem a bit small.China's auto industry association secretary general DongYang said:"China is also not car manufacturing power,Automobile exports also in the primary stage,The future is still should constantly improve the core competitiveness,Ascension export levels."
After ten years of rapid development,Automobile industry in our country to export to the transformation of the node,The export first super 1 million vehicles will be the process of a milestone.
Began to transition
Although our country automobile export start earlier,But with China's automobile industry,"Scattered difference"Has been the whole export status of portraiture.To the financial crisis in 2008,The export model suffered a serious impact,At that time in order to protect the domestic automobile industry and improve trade in the threshold,China's automobile export crashing to earth.
Until 2010,China's automobile exports resumed its vitality,China's auto industry association deputy secretary-general ShiJianHua said:"Through two years after the market fluctuation,China's automobile export resume a rapid growth trend,Whether in the traditional Latin America market,Or India/Emerging markets such as Brazil,Has made great progress.In Brazil/As a representative of Russia‘nuggets’Countries become the focus of China's automobile export market."
In the adjustment of export destination at the same time,China's automobile export product structure is reasonable/Target market gradually upgrade/Export way to change in investment,The brand construction and after-sales service system constantly upgrade.It is understood,chery/The Great Wall/Areas, Chinese automobile manufacturers have also been made in overseas investment and construction/The development of standardized services network, etc"Went in"pace.
Counterattack domestic
Export overseas for independent car to bring more sales volume and higher profit at the same time,For its domestic market development is also important power.
At present,Some car enterprises have obvious tasted the sweet taste of this model.With the independent brand"Dark horse"The Great Wall as an example,Because of its many years in overseas market cultivation,At present we have got a good reputation and gradually exported to moderately developed countries,This is its brand image has a very important role.The current,The Great Wall in China sell like hot cakes much benefit from its brand image of the build.
now,More independent car enterprises have realized that the feasibility of the approach,This will be the future in China's automobile exports the transformation of a internal cause.
Risk awareness
Even export a piece of good,But risk awareness indispensable,In the independent brand in the process of internationalization,On the one hand need to pay attention to the problem of international standard,On the other hand in the overseas factory is the independent brand long-term development direction.
In 2012,,Two domestic car enterprises in export to Australia because of the car used asbestos accessories and was ordered to recall,It happened to chinese-made cars brought a lot of negative effects.This is the typical because are not familiar with the international mainstream standard and lead to mistakes.
More important is,At present our country independent brand still has the core competitiveness of the gap,So only in a relatively low level of international market competition,Still cannot achieve the threshold of the developed countries and regions.
同时,对比跨国车企,没有一家车企能够仅依赖一个地区的市场而长盛不衰的。所以,国产车能够在海外某一地区站稳脚跟,在当地建设工厂,实现本土化产销,也是该品牌的常胜之道。 因此,在庆祝出口超100万辆的同时,仍然要思考如何寻求走得更加长远的途径。
At the same time,Contrast multinational car enterprises,Without a car enterprises can only rely on an area of the market and enthusiastic.so,Are in an area to overseas gain a firm foothold,In the local construction factory,To realize the localization of production and marketing,Is the brand of the way of winning. so,To celebrate the export over 1 million cars at the same time,Still have to think about how to seek go more long way.
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