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After the energy giant,The online retailers begin to pay close attention to its far east market,This trend or will weaken the traditional bilateral"being"trade.

  在从中国进口商品方面也存在同样情况:也就是说,如果有人去中国办事,就可以在那里购买一些商品,可是虽然可以给朋友带一些东西回来,却不能带太多。如果没有认识人从中国带东西,那么最好是在当地的网店购买。图片来源:Alamy/Legion Media

Same is true in terms of goods imported from China:That is to say,If someone go to China,There you can buy some goods,But while you can bring something to a friend back,But not to bring too much.If not know people take things from China,Then it is better in the local store to buy.photo:Alamy/Legion Media

  2月初,大型网上商城“Sotmarket”的创始人兼老板、24岁的俄罗斯企业家弗谢沃洛德·斯特拉赫(Vsevolod Strakh)宣布,其公司下辖的远东哈巴罗夫斯克物流中心正式开业。该中心将负责协调向堪察加彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克、阿纳德尔、马加丹、符拉迪沃斯托克、南萨哈林斯克等俄远东地区所有主要城市的商品运输业务,从而使这些地区的送货时间将缩减至2-3天。目前,网购商品需要整整一个月才能被送到俄远东地区顾客手上。尽管热衷网购的俄罗斯居民大多集中在莫斯科和圣彼得堡,但超过半数的网上买家分布在俄广袤的各地。但主要的物流中心以及世界各品牌代表处总部都位于俄欧洲部分。外国公司须将商品首先运抵俄欧洲地区办理清关,之后再分发至包括远东在内的各地区。这恰恰是俄罗斯家用电器和其它日用消费品贸易问题的症结所在。

In early February,Large online mall"Sotmarket"The founder and boss/24-year-old Russian entrepreneurs, xie, voloder, lage(Vsevolod Strakh)announced,The company has formally opened far eastern khabarovsk logistics center.The center will be responsible for the coordination to Kamchatka Peter luo Pavlov/Anaheim, del/magadan/Vladivostok/South saha Lin Sike all major cities in the Russian far east region, such as goods transportation business,To make these parts delivery time will be reduced to 2-3 days.At present,Online shopping goods need a month to be sent to the Russian far east region customers hands.Although keen shopping residents mostly concentrated in Moscow and st. Petersburg in Russia,But more than half of online buyers in all over the vast.But the main logistics center, and the world's brand office headquarters are located in Russia and Europe.Foreign company should be the goods arrived at Russia first in Europe to deal with customs clearance,Then distribute to all regions, including the far east.This is what Russia household appliances and other consumer goods trade the crux of the problem.

  目前,俄罗斯欧洲地区市场竞争激烈,各零售商都在寻找新市场。这不仅涉及在线零售商,电子商务代表亦是如此。例如,2012年12月底,俄罗斯“袋鼠”孕妇儿童商品连锁商店也在哈巴罗夫斯克开设了自己的第一家分店。据Investkafe分析师达莉娅·皮丘金娜(Darya Pichugina)介绍,像其俄它远离中心区的地区一样,目前远东地区也非常受欢迎。那里竞争尚不激烈,有机会赢得更大市场份额。皮丘金娜指出,“发展中市场将会以极快的速度增长,尤其是在基数较低的起步阶段。此外,随着时间的推移,直接从中国进口将更划算。因此,商家将乐于在远东地区建立自己的物流中心和仓储设施”。

At present,Russia in Europe market competitive,Retailers are looking for new markets.This is not only related to online retailers,E-commerce represents.Such as the,The end of December 2012,Russia"The kangaroo"Pregnant women children goods chain stores in khabarovsk also opened his first store.According to Investkafe analyst QiuJinNa Dudley, skin(Darya Pichugina)To introduce,Like its Russian it far away from the downtown area,In the far east is also very popular at present.There is not competitive,Have a chance to win a bigger market share.Skin QiuJinNa pointed out,"Developing markets will be extremely fast growth,Especially in infancy a low base.In addition,With the passage of time,Directly imported from China would be more cost-effective.so,Businessmen will be willing to set up their own logistics center in the far east and storage facilities".


Russia's remote areas residents pay more attention to goods delivery date and is willing to pay more fees.Commodity price more expensive there,Buyers order rate is also higher.Mr Xie, voloder, he points out,"This is very reasonable,To the far east federal district, freight is very high,So buyers prefer to put what they want to buy at a time,In order to save freight cost.Because of the,Far east store electronics prices even higher than the domestic average".instead,In Europe, Russia has a less visible but real/Between Russia's domestic retailers as well as abroad,Such as Germany/Britain and other countries purchasing competition.After all, the European Union is Russia's largest trading partner,Russians go to Europe on a business trip or travel will often help friends and acquaintances to buy some appliances(Especially some novel gadgets).Such as the,The iPad in Europe and the price is cheap about a quarter of Russia.however,Due to customs restrictions on entry of goods,These goods can't carry in batch."Same is true in terms of goods imported from China:That is to say,If someone go to China,There you can buy some goods,But while you can bring something to a friend back,But not to bring too much.If not know people take things from China,Then it is better in the local store to buy",Monk picked up said.

  2012年12月举行的Online Retail Russia论坛上与会者指出,俄零售商在远东设立物流中心有望成为2013年的一个趋势。毕竟要想不落于人后,还是有必要开展这项业务的。市场专家指出,在远东设立代表处可从本质上改变俄罗斯对亚洲商品的需求结构并减少直接从中国定购电子产品的定单数量。如果可以选择,“不差钱”的买家更愿意购买已本地化的商品(如带俄文键盘的笔记本电脑)。同时,发展远东物流网络还可以使商品价格显著下降,因为是对大批商品,而不是每一件商品支付运费。需求量高的商品将还可考虑增加库存。俄罗斯公司的优势在于,他们了解本地市场及消费者喜好。颜色、款式、大小……每个国家都有不同的需求特点。此外,俄罗斯顾客更方便与本国商店打交道,联系、咨询等更容易,中国公司目前尚不能提供此类俄语服务。

In December 2012 held Online Retail Russia attendees noted on the BBS,Retailers set up a logistics center in the far east Russia is expected to become a trend for 2013.After all, not to fall,Or it is necessary to carry out the business.Market experts point out that,Set up a representative office in the far east can essentially change the Russian demand for Asian goods structure and reduce the order quantity and order directly from China electronics.If you can choose,"Not bad money"Buyers are more willing to buy localized product(Such as laptop computers with Russian keyboard).At the same time,Development of the far east logistics network can also make commodity prices dropped significantly,Because of large quantities of goods,Rather than each piece of goods to pay the freight.High demand for commodities will also can consider to increase inventory.Russia's advantage lies in the company,They understand the local market and consumer preferences.color/style/The size...Every country has different demand characteristics.In addition,Russian customers more convenient to deal with their own shops,contact/Consulting more easily,Chinese company cannot provide such Russian service.
